Chapter Thirty-One

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"I can't believe you're eating all that," Jessica said her face scrunched up as she looked down at my plate. My eyes went down to my lap as I played with the ring on my finger. Dinner is almost over right?

"How was Paris?" I asked trying to change the topic. Truth be told I don't know why my cousin acts the way she does. But there has to be a reason. Something must have happened that made her this way. I just wish I knew how to help her but it seems like every time I try the more insults she tells me.

"It was fantastic Auntie you should go some day," She said looking to my mom who is to focus on her phone to pay attention to the conversation. Her husband has gone on a business trip and they have been texting nonstop. Seeing my mom this happy makes my heart warm.

"Okay Dear" My mom mumbled stuffing her face with mash potatoes.

"So Alex, Do you have that guys number?" I looked up at her tilting my head to the side. What is she talking about?


"The one with the blue eyes I think his name was Ares" Did she just say what I think she said? Maybe this is like a dream? Wake up, Alex.

"Uh-I" I choked out completely lost for words. My heart feels like its sinking and there's nothing I can do to stop it. There's no way Ares would do anything with Jessica right? We are soulmates. Why am I so worried about this? "Excuse me" I mumbled getting up from the table. I need to get out of here. I throw my jacket on practically running out the front door.

Sally that's who I need to talk to. Sally always knows what to do. My eyes fill with tears as I quickly wipe them away. Why can't I just stand up for myself? Why can't I say whats on my mind? Why do I always freeze up? Why am I weak?

"Alex?"I hear coming face to face with Ares. His blues eye glare down at me. Why does he always make me feel like I'm doing something wrong? "What are you doing?"

"Walking to Sally's" I mumble pointing into the direction of the store.

"What did I say about showing weakness, Alex?" He growled out grabbing both my wrist. "You're making yourself a perfect target Alex"

"Ares," I said my voice cracking as I place my head on his chest. He stifles before letting go of my wrists wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't like seeing you cry Alex," He said his voice muffled as he rests his chin onto of my head. Calmness spreads through my body. How many times is he going to lecture me about being weak?

"Ares?" I said lifting my head up to look into his eyes. It's amazing how fast he can make my day from bad to great.

"Hm?" I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him down so he was face to face with me. He looks puzzled before looking into my eyes. Oh, its payback time buddy. Can he even feel pain? I mean he's a stinking god.

"You're making yourself the perfect target" I whispered stepping onto his foot as hard as I can. He lets go of me his face scrunched up in pain. "HA," I said dancing around in a circle laughing so hard I couldn't  breathe.

"She's back" I heard someone yell from in back of me. I turn around quickly seeing Sally running to us laughing. "I was waiting to hear that laugh of yours again Alex," She said as I looked at Ares still shocked face. You know I spent this whole year scared and worried and sad. But I wanna be happy. I wanna laugh with Sally and make fun of Ares for always glaring. I want it back to the way it was before he left. In order to do that, I need to stop sulking and worrying. That's exactly what I plan to do. 

"Don't show weakness" I mocked sticking my tongue out at him. He looks at me giving me a full on smile that causes my heart to stop. His eyes are filled with laughter as he shakes his head. Showing me the side of Ares I rarely get to see. Sometimes I feel like he think's he has to act cold just because of who he is. But I would love it if he could smile all the time. 

"Where were  you going?" I asked turning to face Sally. Her red hair put up into a ponytail and she was rocking some sweatpants. Something she usually wouldn't be caught dead in.One time she saw me and sweatpants and lectured for an hour. A full on hour. I felt like I should have been taking notes.She gives me a slight smile then winks at me holding up a bag of wings n things. Gasping in shock I grab the bag inhaling the smell of the breadsticks. They have the best freaking bread sticks in the entire world. 

"I thought you were going to need a pick me up after eating with Jessica," She said wrapping her arm around me. "No need to thank me I'm aware of how amazing I am." 

"Does this call for a movie night at my place?" I asked nudging her with my shoulder. 

"You already know" 

"Hey, Ares you wanna come with us? You can come glare at the t.v" I said giving him a smile. "Plus when I left the house Apollo was still sleeping and You're gonna be the one to wake him up" I mumbled patting him on the shoulder. Apollo is usually a very upbeat person. But right now he probably has the biggest hang over known to man and I don't want to mess with that. 

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