Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Are you okay?" I asked Apollo as he continued to run his fingers through his hair. He has been doing this way for a while. He acted as If something was going to pop out of nowhere and scare him.Ive been trying to get him to talk to me but He looks right past me his eyes trained on the tv in front of him. That would be understandable if the t.v was on.But the t.v was off so he is basically just looking at a black screen.

"This was a nice talk" I mumbled getting up from my couch. Maybe I should talk to Ares about Apollo? But I don't think Ares would try to understand him. I frown walking into my room shutting the door behind me. "Why can't I be a mind reader?" I said stomping my feet on the ground.

"Mind Reader?" My head snaps up in the direction of my bed. Where Ares is sitting his head tilted to the side. His hair looks disheveled and he seems worn out. The dark circles under his eyes cause me to worry even more.

"Ares?" I asked standing in front of him. Placing my hand against his cheek. He leans into my hand clearly tired. "Get some rest," I said softly pushing him down on to my bed. So he is laying down. What I didn't expect was for him to grab onto my waist bringing me with him. He pulls me against him and I feel my heart stop as he places his head in between my neck. His warm breath against my neck causes tingles to go through my body. As I feel myself slowly start to fall asleep my cell phone vibrate in my back pocket. I groan into Ares chest and pull away pressing the phone to my ear.

"Yeah" I mumbled into the phone.

"Jessica is in my bakery" Sally groans into the phone. "Do I have permission to kill her?"

"Yes,"I mumbled into the phone. Closing my eyes again. But then open them once I realized what I just said. "No don't Sally" I pause as Ares grip tightens on my waist. "I'll be right there" I hung up the phone Lifting my head up to meet Ares blue eyes.

"Stay" He said well more like demanded. If I left Sally to deal with Jessica. Well there would be no more Jessica.

"I'll be back" I said quickly kissing his cheek getting up from the bed. My face turns red as I put my shoes on. I wanted to kiss him but I chickened out.

"You missed my lips" He said sitting up. His eyes are filled with amusement as I almost trip on my chair.

"Did you know that In California it's illegal to eat an orange in a bath tub?" I rambled. This is why I'm not good at talking. I bite my lip  forcing myself to be quiet.

"Is that so?" He taunts as I pull my hair into a ponytail. Does he find my awkwardness funny?

"Yes" I mumbled as I started to walk out the door. But stop when I feel his arms wrap around my waist. He turns me around instantly pressing his lips against mine. Once the shock  of what just happened goes away. I pull him closer wrapping my arms around his neck. I feel my back press against the wall as he lifts me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist as he groans.

"Woah Woah Woah" I hear Apollo yell. How long has he been standing in the doorway? Of course with my luck this is when he decides to come shock pulling away from Ares putting some distance between us. I don't even want to think about how red my face is right now.

"Why do you always pop out in the worst times? " Ares growled rolling his eyes.

"Brother don't say such mean things" Apollo said jumping onto Ares. Ares must have not expected that because they both fall on to the ground. A loud thud echos throughout the room.

"Apollo" Ares said his voice very low and threatening. I look back in forth between the two brothers. This is not going to be good. I'm facing to choices save Apollo or save Jessica. But Apollo is immortal he'll make it. Plus my mom would kill me if Anything happen to Jessica. This might also be some good bonding time for them.

"Bye guys" I yellled running out the door. Sorry Apollo.
"I already told you I want a sugar free calorie free cupcake" That's the first thing I hear as I walk into the bakery. "Oh and gluten free" She adds in flipping her hair over her shoulders.

" I might as well give you ice" Sally said her eyes twitching. "That's what your describing to me"

"Why don't you just do you're job?" Before Sally could say anything. I interject sitting next to Jessica.

"Hey guys" I said trying to get rid of the tension. But I'm clearly failing at it.

"You're Lucky" Sally said slamming her hand against the table. She glares at Jessica one last time but then walks into the back room.

"You came out like that" She said her eyes trailing down my body. Disgust clear in her eyes. I gave her a smile getting up from the chair.

"Should I get started on making your ice?"I asked trying to hide my laughter.

Thank you everyone for reading!

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