Chapter Twenty

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Do you know that feeling where you can't believe something is happening so you just freeze up? Well, that pretty much describes this moment. I don't know how to describe it. Mainly because it was my first time going through this. NO wait I shouldn't say that. That makes it sound like it was a bad thing.

"This is different," Ares said as he pulled away his blue eyes staring into my brown ones. What does he mean different? Oh god did I make a full out of myself? I mean I didn't even kiss back so I couldn't have messed up.


"This is the first time I kissed someone who didn't kiss me back," He states his face still had an emotionless expression. How am I supposed to know what he is thinking if he is so robotic? I offer him a smile stepping back. "Why?"

"Why what?" I asked hoping he wasn't talking about what I was thinking.

"Why didn't you kiss me back?" He asked taking a step closer. He leans in but stops when he only inches away from my face.

"It's just that-" I stop myself. There's no way I want to tell him that he was my first kiss and I had no idea what I was doing. I don't get it Sally says when you get your first kiss your natural instincts take over and you know exactly what to do. Well either something's wrong with me or that was a lie.

"Should I do it again?" He said a smirk on his face. I stumble back. And guess what happened? I fell to the floor...again. A look of surprise spreads across his face. I look down at my shoes not wanting him to see my red face. I guess my mom wasn't kidding when she said I was clumsy.

"That was my first kiss" I mumble quietly.  His eyebrow raises a smirk placed on his lips. I snap out of my trance getting up off of the floor. 

"Would you have come back if he didn't force you?" I asked him dreading the answer. 

"No, I wouldn't have" 

"I should get going," I said feeling my heart drop. 

"Alex everything is more complicated than you think it is. You know what I am you just don't want to admit" 

"You can't be a god," I said shaking my head. Is it impossible right? 

"I will never understand you humans" Ares growled walking over to his drawer. He put his hand in his drawer getting out... wait for the hell. My eyes widen at the sight of the gun. 

"Ares what are you-"

"Human weapons don't affect us, " He said placing the gun against his head looking slightly annoyed. Has he lost his mind?  I tried to stop him but he pulled the trigger. 

"Ares" I screamed but something unexpected happened the bullet didn't go through him it just bounce off his skin. Maybe this is all a dream? Yeah, that's the only reasonable explanation for this. 

"Still alive" I walk over to him placing my hand on the side of his head. No blood nothing. 

"If you're a god then why are you here?" 

"Which reason do you want? Why I'm here now or why I'd originally come?" 


"I came originally because my dad sent me here because he hoped if I was around humans I would like them more"

"Did it work?" I asked to baffle to ask anything else. Do you know the saying mind blown? That's currently the state my mind is in.

"Slightly," He grabbed my hand gripping it lightly. "If the rest of the human race was like you I wouldn't despise them as much"

"Why are you here now?"

"I don 't know" He lets go of my hand running a hand through his hair. "The whole time I was gone  I couldn't keep you off my mind no matter what I fucking did. It was like you were everywhere." He takes a deep breath. "And now that you're really here I have no intention of letting you go"

"What?" I asked feeling slightly hurt. I mean he left. He left me alone to deal with what I was feeling. He left when I  realized I was in love with him. He broke me. And now he just wants to come back like everything never happened. And to top it all of. He is a god? I mean where do I even begin with that. Wait does that mean he is like a superhero? I shake my head forcing myself to not get sidetracked. 

"I said I'm not letting you go" He grabbed my waist pressing me against him. I gasp slightly at the sudden contact. 

"I can't do this" He lets go of me handing me my phone from the counter

"There's something you should realize about me " He leans closer to me. I shudder slightly feeling his breath on my ear. " I fight for what's mine" He whispers in my ear. 


Thank you, everyone, for reading! I know is been a while since I updated but I promise to update more for frequently.

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