Chapter Fifteen

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"Alex I served Mrs. Darcy her coffee what are you doi-" My head snapped up seeing Sally in the doorway. "Um continue please bye," She said running out. Oh, great she's never gonna let me forget this. 

"Don't," He said. 

"Don't what?"

"Go running off it just confuses me even more so just stay here until I figure out why I'm feeling like this."

"We are going to be here for a really long time then" I mumbled as I tapped my feet. I don't even know what I'm feeling? So who knows what he is feeling?

"What if I have to pee?" I asked before I could stop myself. Why do I keep saying stupid things maybe this is like my super power?

He took a deep breath clearing his throat. "Do you?" 

"Yes" I squirmed out of his grip giving him a wave as I ran out the door.  Spolier alert I don't. But he makes me feel nervous. 

"So were you guys having a moment?" Sally said pouring coffee into a mug. A moment? No it wasn't a moment...Wait what even is a moment?

"No, we weren't," I said as she gives me a smirk. Oh no, I know that look. "I'm taking an early lunch break," I said quickly running out before she could question me any further.   I take a deep breath walking to my favorite coffee shop. Could I like Ares?  What do I even know about boys? I've never had a boyfriend hell I never even talked to a guy for longer than five minutes without saying something stupid. 

"Why are you just standing here it's been like three minutes?" I snap out of my daze seeing Apollo standing in front of me. His dark brown eyes looked at me curiously. "Were you thinking about my brother?" He asked grinning widely. Do I have it written on my forehead?

"What no," I shook my head frantically but then stop when I  realize how suspicious that looked. "Wait what are you doing here?" I asked him trying to change the topic. 

"Oh, I'm supposed to meet this girl." He said.

"Then what are you doing talking to me?" I asked confused. Shouldn't he be rushing over to see the girl?

"I actually don't want to go now" He smiled at me winking. "I would much rather like to go hang out with you and my brother" 

"But isn't the girl waiting for you?" 

"So which way is your work?" He asked ignoring my question. I pointed in the direction I just started walking from glaring slightly. The coffee shop was so close I could smell the beautiful coffee just waiting for me to drink it. But I have to go back to the cupcake shop. So long coffee until we meet again. 

Right as we walking back into the cupcake shop we are greeted with a good morning from the rest of the elderly. I smile at them walking over to the counter seeing a sleeping Sally. The weird part is that her face is literally on top of the cash register. Now I would be worried but she always does this... I mean like every day. 

"Where is Ares?" Apollo asked. I turn to face him quickly because the worry in his voice is what caught me off guard. 

"Isn't he in the kitchen?

"No he isn't. Excuse me," Apollo said a dark look spread across his face. I was about to ask him what was wrong but, He was already gone. 


The rest of the day just felt off. Maybe it was because I was worried or being over paranoid but something is wrong I can feel it. I glance at the clock on my nightstand. It's already midnight where were they? What could they be doing so late?  Just get some sleep Alex.

After about ten minutes of trying to fall asleep. I get up and put on some sneakers.I need some fresh air.

 Right as I walk outside I notice The air is crisp and the wind is blowing harder than usually. "Where are they?" I whispered to myself. I'm probably overthinking this they are going to be back tomorrow. 

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