Chapter Nineteen: Mom's Home

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Chapter Nineteen


Cameron’s POV


            I’m sitting on the West’s couch with the girl of my dreams in my arms. I love this girl. Just like this. With her blonde hair messy, no makeup on, just her normal baggy shirt and shorts, this is the girl I love. The tomboy her not the fake one my sister tries to make her be. Her head is on my chest while I have my arms around her. I lean down pressing my lips lightly to the top of her head. We are waiting for her mom to get home and I still cannot believe she didn’t think I would stay here with her. Of course I would. I love her to death always have.

            I am also so happy that I got to be her first kiss. I get to be her first everything and that means the world to me. I mean knowing I was the first and hopefully last to kiss those amazing lips and hold this amazing girl in my arm makes me so happy. I can tell Andie is deep in thought because she isn’t talking.

            “And, what are ya thinking about?” I ask as my arms tighten around her waist.

            “Nothing,” she mumbles and I instantly knew it is a lie.

            I am about to continue to try and get it out of her when we hear the front door open and her mom and step dad appears in the living room. A smile snakes onto her mom’s face when she sees us.

            “Mom!”  Andie screams, leaping out of my arms and running to her mom who she hugs tightly.

            I slowly stand up and walk over to them and smile at her step dad who pats me on the back in a fatherly way which makes since he’s like a second dad to me.

            “Took me having surgery to get you two together? If I knew that I would have had surgery a long time ago,” her mom says with a smile.

            I smile and her step dad laughs. That’s May for you. Andie pulls away and is as red as a tomato. May smiles and steps towards me and I wrap my arms around her hugging her. May has always been a second mom to me and I love her and yesterday when she almost died I felt like crying but I couldn’t I needed to be strong for Andie.

            “I know you love her and that you always have. So don’t let anything happen to her. I love you little boy,” she whispers and I cannot help but smile. I cannot hide anything from May. She has always called me little boy it’s her nickname for me.

            “I won’t. I love you too Auntie May,” I whisper back and pull away to stand beside Andie.

            Her step dad helps May to the couch were she is able to sit down. I lace my fingers throw Andie’s and we walk to the couch.  May flips on the TV and flips throw channels. I drape my arm around Andie’s shoulders and pull out my IPhone. I click on the Facebook app and go to my profile and edit it. I change my relationship status from single to in a relationship with Andie West. I know as soon as I press save I will probably be boom bared with messages and texts, but I press save happily. Then I go to my status and type, I finally got the love of my life! :) I know cheesy but it’s so turn.

            I tuck my cell phone back into my pocket and look at Andie whose head is resting on my shoulder. I feel a vibration but it’s not my phone, but then I feel Andie shift beside me pulling out her phone. She opens the message and starts laughing. I look down at her question and she smile outstretching her phone for me to see.

Andreanna Lynn West!!!!!!!!!! How dare you get a boyfriend and not tell me!!!! Especially my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it so hard to pick up your phone and send me a simple text saying ‘hey I’m dating Cameron!’ I guess so cause I had to find out through Facebook!!!!!!  Grrrr! Are you two together right now?! Ohmygosh!! In that case Cameron Kendall Peters!!!!!!!! You are the worst brother ever!!!! You   can’t even tell your sister you’re dating yours/ their best friend!!!! You’re in big trouble big bro!!!!! >:|


                        Your pissed off little sis, Lexi!

            I cannot help but burst out laughing. Leave it to Lexi to over react. Andie snuggles into me smiling. I love this and I am never going let her go. But, I cannot help but feel she’s hiding something…

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long!!! I have been struggling with this chapter and book.

See i was orginally going write this chapter in Andie's point of veiw and it was just not working at all!!

So I decided to write it in Cam's point of veiw!!! It just flowed!

So I hope you like!!! More is to come and I'ma try to get better bout uploads!!! I'm just swamped these days!!!

Thanks everyone!

Vote, etc.

If you want see anything happen in the story just message me :) I don't bite.

Ok thats all!

Love ya'll

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