Chapter Twenty-Nine: Goodbye Forever?

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

            I fall to my knees and burry my face in my hands and cry, my shoulders shake as I cry my eyes out. Why’d did she have to tell my parents that? Why did I have to have that stupid plan? Why did I have to ruin everything? I feel a strong set of hands grab my waist and spin me around. My head falls onto the strong shoulder, and I cry. His hand rubs my back.

            “Shhh… it’s ok,” he says and I freeze I know that voice a little too well. I look up expecting to see Kayden or Braden but am stunned when I see light brown hair falling into the hazel eyes. It is Cameron!

            “W-w-what are you doing here?” I choke out pulling away from him.

            “I- I don’t know,” he says with a sigh and shakes his head.

            Of course he doesn’t know. Cameron has never been the type to well have the perfect words and at this very moment when all I want to hear is that he loves me and still wants me and everything will be ok, all I get is silence.

            “Everyone always told us we were just like Cory and Topanga and some even called us that,” he says and then spaces out like he’s thinking about it.

            We have always been closer than the rest of us. Cameron and I have always been so close and everyone called us Topanga and Cory from ‘Boy Meets World’ but, honestly we aren’t like that. Growing up we were just friends, but Topanga and Cory were together and in love when they were little. So Cameron and I are not like them.

            “I’m sorry Cameron. I ruined everything,” I say as tears still fall down my cheeks.

            “No you didn’t,” he says wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

            “Lair,” I mumble as I cry into his warm shoulder that sends shocks through me.

            “Maybe we were just not meant to be,” he whispers and this causes my heart to break some more.

            I thought he loved me!? I also hear him mask something in his voice as he says that and I’m not sure what. The tears fall harder from my eyes as I feel my heart shatter.

            “We can still be friends though, you know go back to how we use to be,” he suggests and my sadness is now anger. Really? He thinks we can go back to being friends!! I am in love with him and he said he was in love with me too and now he just wants to go back to being friends.!? WTF?

            I shove him away and standing up shaking. “Friends? How we use to be? Are you crazy?” I yell in a shaky voice as I stare dead at him. “I can’t be your friend! We cannot go back to how we were because I LOVE YOU!” I yell and I know for a fact that it’s true. Cameron and I will never be friends again. “They say never date you’re best friends, it’ll ruin your friendship. They also say never fall for your best friend it’ll never end well. I now know how true that is,” I say softer.

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