Chapter Thirty-Eight: Admins

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Andie’s POV

I’ve learned a few things in these past few months. One is that puberty is hell and screws everything up. The second is that not everything goes as planned. Last, not everything lasts for every. My heart break may last a long time, maybe even forever. I do know that all this crap happen because of one thing, called puberty! I lay in my and stare at the ceiling. I know I made some pretty dumb choices and I regret it, but hopefully one day things will get better.

My phone begins to vibrate and flash so I look over and my heart stops and my jaw drop. I pick up my phone slowly as I stare at it in shock as the name Cameron flashes on the screen. Cameron!! Holy cow Cameron actually text me! Why? Why is he texting me? This is so crazy! I flip the phone open looking at it.

Cameron: Hey, Andie. Can we talk?

He wants to talk to me! My luck has just changed! This is crazy!

Andie: Yeah. When?

I hit send and sit up and tap my fingers nervously.

Cameron: 20minutes at the dinner.

20 minutes! He’s killing me! So I leap up change into a pair of jeans and a short sleeved t-shirt. I pull on my boots and brush me hair, pulling it back into a pony tail. Then snatching my phone from where I had tossed it, I slip it into my pocket and grab some money off of my dresser. I walk down stairs and see my mom opening the front door getting ready to leave.

“Hey mom where are you going?” I ask her and she turns and looks at me with a smile.

“To the store, need a ride somewhere?” she asks with a sweet smile.

“Yeah can you drop me off at the diner?” I ask as I walk towards her.

“Sure thing, sweetie,” she says and steps aside allowing me to walk out of the house and she shuts the door behind us. We walk over my mom’s truck and head into town.


We pull up in front of the diner and my stomach does a flip. I am so nervous. My mom stops the truck to let me out and I swallow hard. “Text me if you need a ride home,” she says giving me a sweet smile and I look at her, fear probably written all over my face.

“Okay. Thanks for the ride. I love you,” I say and grip the handle and slide out of the truck.

“I love you too, have fun,” she says and then I shut the door. I slowly encourage my feet forward and push the door open walking into the diner.

Searching the booths I my eyes finally land on him, with his light brown hair and amazing hazel eyes, sitting in a corner booth wearing a cute blue t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it and some dark jeans. Taking a deep breath I walk over towards him and notice him nervously playing with his hands. He looks up and his hazel eyes lock with my eyes.

“Hey,” he says breathlessly and almost with a sigh of relief.

“Hey,” I say softly as I slide in across from him and hold my hands together placing them onto the table. A awkward silence fills the air as we just sit there staring at each other and drinking in one another’s appearance.

“I wa-” he begins to say something, but is cut off by Missy one of the waitresses who is in her early 30’s and has pretty long brown hair.

“What can I get you kids?” she asks with a smile. I tear my eyes from Cameron.

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