Chapter Twenty- Four: Cameron POV

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Chapter Twenty- Four

            Cameron’s POV

            I lay on my bed starring at the ceiling as the silent tears roll down my face. I love Andie! But she kissed my brother! He was her first kiss! Why didn’t she ask me? Instead she went to Braden! I mean me and her are so much closer, or at least I thought we were.

            I pull out my cell phone and go to Facebook. Clicking and pausing for a second I changed my stays to single. I know I’m an ass, but the thing I value is trust and she lied. I just need time, time to just think.

            “Hey Cam!” Lexi shouts and then she and Kayden appear in my room.

            “What?” I mumble and whip away the tears.

            “Why did your Facebook status change? Also why are you not talking to Braden?” Lexi asks as she folds her arm across her chest. Kayden just stuff his fists in his pockets.

            “She lied to me. Braden and her kissed. I can’t talk to them right now,” I say and they just drop it by my tone of voice and they leave my room.


            I lean against my truck waiting for Kayden and Lexi to hurry up. Finally they come running out the door and I hop into my truck. We begin to pull away and as we past Andie’s it takes all the power I have to not pull into that driveway.

            As I drive to school the car is silent which is not normal at all. I park my car and get out heading to my locker. I change out my stuff and lean on my locker.

            “Hey Cameron!” a silky voice says and I feel a light hand land on my shoulder. I turn around and see Jen standing there with her black hair in curls and blue eyes sending chills throw me. She wore a tight revealing tank and short mini skirt and her face has make up all over it.

            “Hey Jen,” I say and look into her eyes. She’s hot, but she’s not beautiful like Andie is. Not even close.

            “I am so sorry to hear about you and Andie,” she says with on hand on my arm and her eyes look like they are being so honest.

            I look away from her intense eyes. “It’s ok,” I lie.

            “Oh ok! If you need to talk I’m here!” she says with a force smile and she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me. I just pat her back waiting for her to pull away. As she pulls away she kisses my cheek and I just let her as she spins around and walks away.

            I walk away to my class room. Andie is sitting there looking just like she use to. Gosh I love her! I sit behind her and use all my power not to talk to her. I can see her hurting and feel her pain, but I know she cannot feel or see mine. I’m a master at hiding my pain.

            All class I want to tap her shoulder but don’t instead I stare at the clock waiting and watching it tick. Finally the bell rings and Andie sprints out of the room as if it is on fire. I collect my books and slowly walk out heading to my next class. I sit down in the back of class like always and stare at the board with a bored tired expression. I want to be anywhere but here.

            Did I over react? Am I messing up? What’s wrong with me?         

            My arguing with myself is stopped when someone starts purring my name. Blinking a couple times I see Ella, with her black hair in curls. She’s been my casual hook up quiet sometime now.

            “How are you babe?” she asks batting her eyelashes.

            “I’m ok,” I say and she just stares at me in lust.

            “She was never good enough for you. You can have me,” she says and runs her hand up and down my arm. What a bitch! Andie is too good for me! And does she realize she sounds like a whore.

            “Thanks,” I mumble and move my arm from her reach. For some reason at this moment she made my skin crawl.

            Finally the bell rang and I made my escape. I walk into my next class and sit down beside Jay who is staring like an idiot at something.

            “Hey, man,” I say and he looks at me and blinks.

            “Hey Cam!” he says and drags his hand through his blonde hair. “How are you doing?” he asks concerned.

            “Not to good, man,” I tell him shaking my head.

            The teacher begins teaching and I zone out. Finally the bell rings and I head to lunch. I sit at our usual table with Lexi and Kayden. Ella sits at my table and she starts getting all over me running her hand over my body. I don’t care at the moment my attention is anywhere but on her. Kayden is still playing with his food and Lexi is staring into the distance. Stupid as it may seem I’m watching the doorway to the lunchroom.

            Andie walks in looking around and guess who is right beside her. Aaron. I hate that dude I swear. Andie looks at our table and pain in written all over her face. Aaron says something and she looks up to him. Then, they walk over to a table in the corner. I cuss under my breath and look down at my tray while Elle was still all over me.

            Shoot me now!! I am the biggest ass ever! I need get over Andie because I’ve already screwed up every chance I have with her. Maybe Ella will come in handy and she’s an easy lay so I can work with this. Maybe this will help get rid of the pain and guilt.

            With that thought I turned my attention to Ella and turned on the charm.

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