Chapter Twenty-Six : New Girl

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Chapter Twenty-Six

            Aaron walks me to class his hand locked in mine. I catch a glance down the hallway a sight that makes me sick. Cameron and Jen all over one another kissing and stuff, I adjust my shirt while biting my lip to hide the pain that creeping up on me. I feel like screaming on the top of my lungs, and I feel my heart ache a little more. Aaron and I stand outside of my classroom.

            “I have to go,” he says but stays still staring down into my eyes.

            “Ok,” I say, pain in my voice from what I had just seen.

            “See you later,” he says and kisses my cheek then, he walks off. I walk into class and take my seat.

            A few minutes later Cameron struts in and he looks like he is completely fine, not hurting at all. How can he act like we never loved each other and that he never cared about me? I don’t understand how he can even look at me, and see me hurting and dying inside, and not be fazed. I miss Cameron so much that it isn’t even funny.  I pull out my book and try to pay attention until the class room door opens catching my attention. In walks this girl about 5’5 with bright red hair, brown eyes, and little tan skin. She has on a white hat thing, (what? I’m a tomboy I don’t know fashion.), with a plan white shirt, and dark blue jeans with white high heels and a big golden ring on one of her fingers.

            The teacher looks over and says, “Hello? Who might you be?”

            “Avril Jennings, I’m new here,” she says and shifts uncomfortably were she’s standing.

            “Ahh, ok you can sit in the seat beside Miss. West,” he says gesturing towards me.

            The girl nods and walks over sitting beside me. “Hey,” she says with a friendly smile and bright eyes.

            “Hey,” I say trying sound as happy as I possibly can because I know Cameron can hear us and he’s knows me well enough to know if I’m hurting.

            “I’m Avril,” she says nicely. She seems nice maybe a little preppy though.

            “I’m Andreanna, but you can call me Andie for short,” I say as I offer her my hand to shake. She shakes it smiling.

            “Nice to me you,” she says and I nod my head turning my attention back to the teacher.

            “Andie, can you show me to my next class?” Avril asks sounding lost.

            “Sure,” I say with a smile and look at her schedule.

            I can feel Cameron’s eyes burning hole into my back, until finally the bell rings releasing me. Avril fallows me in silence as I lead her to our next class, which we just so happen to have almost all our classes together. When the lunch bell rings Avril and I leave our class and a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I spin around to see Aaron smiling down at me. “Hey!” I say with a smile. Evan though I am in pain from a broken heart he can still makes me smile. I hug him and pull away when a throat clears. I look to see Avril looking at me sheepishly. “Aaron this is my new friend Avril,” I say as I pull away from him.

            He looks at my new red haired friend and smiles. “Hey!”

            “Hi,” she says looking between us.

            “Let’s get to lunch!” I say in a hurry and loop my arms through theirs. We walk into the crowded, loud lunch room.  “I’ll get us our food. What kind food do you want Avril?” Aaron asks.

            “I’ll have what you are,” she says with a smile and he nods and turns walking towards the lunch line.

            I lead Avril over to the lunch table in the corner. As we sit down I look around the lunch room. “So where are you from?” I ask Avril since I hate talking in class.

            “New York,” she says with a smile.

            “What are you doing here?” I asked shocked.

            “Ya know, family stuff,” she says and I could tell she is lieing by the way she pauses and stares at the table. “So are you and Aaron dating?” She adds changing the subject.

            “No, not really,” I say shaking my head, and then my eyes finally spot Kayden, Lexi, and Cameron with Jen attached to him like a leech. The tears build up on the edge and I force them not to spill over.

            “Who are they?”Avril asks fallowing my glaze.

            “My best- ex best friends,” I say softly looking away.

            “And the blonde with the slut on his arm is?” she asks, and dang she’s good at paying attention!

            “He kind of my ex closest, best friend and boyfriend,” I say sneaking a glance up at him.

            “Why’d ya break up?” she asks, her eyes held sadness for me.

            “I kissed my other best friend, his older brother, but before we dated,” I say looking down in sadness.

            “He got so mad about that?” she asked surprised.

            “Yeah,” I sigh and Aaron makes his way to our table placing our lunch in front of us. “Thanks,” Avril and I say in unison.

            I take a bit of my food and Aaron grabs one of my hands holding it. I glance back up to Cameron’s table, and we make eye contact and for a spilt second he almost looks sad.



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