Chapter Thirty-One: You Don't Know

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Chapter Thirty-One

Andie’s POV


            I taking a deep breath I walk down the stairs and out the back door and sit on the steps staring out into the distant. “Can I join you?” a voice asks and I jump a little startled. I look up to see Aaron standing there in front of me with his hands stuffed into his pockets.

            “Um… sure,” I mumble and scot over so he can sit down. “What are you doing here?” I ask looking at him. His black hair is messy and he’s wearing a blue t-shirt with some dark jeans.

            “You weren’t at school and I was worried…” he says as he looks over at me with his sweet eyes.

            “Why do you care?” I ask and it came off a little mean. His eyes fall as he looks at me wide eyed.

            “Because I care about you,” he says raising one of his hands in like a “duh” way.

            “Why?” I ask raising my eyebrow. I mean I’m nothing special and I’m just a screw up.

            “Because, you are the most beautiful, nicest, calmest girls I ever met,” he says looking at me as if I am missing out on a bigger picture.

            “I’m only pretty because Lexi made me start to dress like a girl,” I say kind of in disgust as I stare straight ahead of me. How could any guy care about me?

            “You are kidding me right?” he asks turning his head sideways looking at me with a dumbfounded look. “You don’t have to dress all girly to be beautiful! You are beautiful without even trying to be,” Aaron says and rests a hand on mine that is rested on the porch beside my butt.

            “Um… thanks,” I mumble and stare out ahead of me.

            “Listen, Andie, I really like you,” he says and tries get me to look at him. “Will you go out with me?” Aaron finishes and my breath catches in my throat.

            “A-a-a,” I pause trying regaining my breath. “Aaron, I just got out of a really bad relationship, that hurt me more than anything in the world,” I say calmly, my voice kind of shaky.

            “I know, but he’s moving on and you know what the best way to show him that you don’t care and he didn’t hurt you?” Aaron asks raising an eyebrow and I shake my head. Cam is moving on? How can he do that? I love him! “Make him jealous that you are happy,” He say with a smile and squeezes my hand.           

            Cameron’s moving on why the hell can’t eye.

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