Chapter Thrity-Three: A Best Friend Back

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Andie’s POV

            I don’t think I can be with Aaron. It doesn’t feel right; it doesn’t feel like it did with Cameron and denying it will get me nowhere. I am still in love with Cameron Kendall Peters and no matter how hard I try fighting it I cannot. I love him and without him I’m like peanut butter with no jelly, like a tiger with no stripes, like The Vampire Diaries without Damon, Bella without Edward, that my life without Cameron.

            Cameron is the light at the end of a tunnel and the one who will always have my heart. Now Cameron will always be the one that got away. I wish it wasn’t true but, it is he’s the one who I let slip through my fingers.

            I hear a knock on my front door so I climb out of my bed and adjust my tank top and shorts before walking downstairs to the door. I try and act ok by taking a deep breath and then opening the door. I gasp at what is in front of me.

            Her brown hair is curling and her eyes are shining at me. She is wearing a gray t-shirt and faded blue jeans and white flip flops.

            “Lexi?” I choke out. She sighs and shifts in her spot.

            “Hey, Andie?” she says casually. I look at her and I’m sure my jaw fell open.

            “What are you doing here?” I ask with a glare. Really all she has to say was hey.

            “It has come to my attention that I have been a total bitch to you with no necessary cause,” she says all fancy which her way of showing that she screwed up and is sorry. It’s one her weird flaws. I raise my eyebrow at her. “I am sorry! I have been a bitch to you for no reason and you did not deserve this! I was just upset you went to my brothers and not me! I am so sorry Andie. Is there any chance you can forgive me for being a bitch?” She asks with a frown on her face.

            A smile pulls onto my face as I look into her teary eyes. “I forgive you,” I say softly holding out my arms. She smiles and steps into my arms wrapping me into a hug.

            “I missed you so much!” she sobs into my shoulder.

            “I missed you too!” I say as I hold her. I feel as if a very tiny piece of my heart has been restored.

            I pull away after awhile and step back gesturing for my best friend to enter the house. We need a much need sleep over no matter how girly that sounds. We head up to my room to hang out. “How have you been?” Lexi asks as she plops down on my bed giving me a sympathique smile.

            “Fine,” I lie forcing a smile with a shrug and sitting at the end of my bed. Lexi reaches out placing her hand on top of mine.

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