Chapter Thirty: Something to Do with My Mind

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Chapter Thirty

Andie’s POV

            The sun streams through  my window; I rub my crusty eyes and sit up looking around. My head instantly hurts my eyes go to the clock and I see the green numbers that read, 10:30am. 10:30? Oh my gosh school! Then it hits me, my mom didn’t wake me, she’s letting me stay home.

            I sigh as I flip my legs out of my bed and paddle my way to the bathroom and get in the shower. I let the warm water run over my body and my broken heart. Leaning up against the shower wall I let my head fall back onto it and tears roll down my face.

            I lost him. Cameron is no longer a part of my life. How can everything go from being wonderful and perfect to horrible and heartbreaking? How did this happen? All because of my damn hormones and puberty! I use to be the tomboy and I should have stayed that way. Maybe none of this would have happened if I had stayed just the tomboy. Everything would have been a lot easier but instead I realized I love Cameron and then I lost him! Well I don’t know why people always talk about love like it’s amazing because truth is it hurts like hell! I feel like someone is stabbing knifes into my chest.

            The water begins to get cold and I get a shiver. Turning off the shower I step out and dry off then I wrap a fluffy white towel around me and one in my hair and go back to my room. I reach up with the back of my hand and wipe away my tears.

            I grab some under wear and a bra and pull them on. Then I grab an over sized t-shirt and short pajama bottoms. I climb into my bed and put my iPod headphones in and turn on the music as I curl up into a ball and silently sob.

            This will be the last day I moron over him after today I’ll move on. Last night Kayden and Braden were still here when I got home but I was so upset I couldn’t talk to them. So they left which is what I wanted then I just cried myself to sleep. It surprises me I still have tears to cry. Tomorrow I will start the first day of my new life without Cameron, but for today I’m going to cry.

Cameron POV


            My alarm began to blare and I sit up and hit it, time for school even though I feel like shit. Last night I cried myself to sleep, god I sound like a chick, but how would you feel when the one thing you love more than yourself, the one who’s been beside you your whole life, the one who is your other haft just walk away saying you’ll never be friends again. Well let me tell you how it feels. It HURTS! I love her! If only I could have been better with my words and didn’t assume she deserved better.

            I wish I could stay home today and pin over my love for her, but I’m a guy I can’t I have to go to school. So how do I plan to move on from this pain? Simple I’m going keep my mind off it and shut off my feelings. I can’t wait to see Jen and maybe even Ella…

            I get out bed and go into my bathroom my blonde hair is a mess and I have dark bags under my eyes. I turn on the shower and strip get in and letting the water fall over me. After my relaxing shower I get out drying off and then wrapping a black towel around my waist and I walk back into my room using another towel to dry my hair. I grab so gray boxers and some dark jean with a orange peach color t-shirt. I get dressed and the shake the towel in my blonde hair one last time. Looking at the time I grab my phone and wallet and slip on some tennis shoes and run down stairs grabbing my keys from the counter not stopping to eat. Honestly I’m not hungry.

            Going outside I sit in my car and tap my finger on the steering wheel impatiently waiting for Kayden and Lexi. Lexi, I am going kill her for last night! The passenger door opens and so does the back door. Lexi gets in the passenger seat aka Andie’s seat. Shit! Cameron you not suppose to think about her. As the shut the door and buckle up I start the truck. “Lexi we need talk,” I state simply as I pull out of our driveway.

            “What about big bro?” she as with a smile and I shot her a glare.

            “Quit being a bitch to Andie. You have no freaking reason to and I am sick of it. You are just hurting her worse. How do you think she feels loosing thr… two best friends I mean. So back off. Be nice. Apologize for being a bitch and be best friends again,” I say and her jaw is drop open. Kayden however is chuckling in the back seat. I give her a serious glare and smile as I drive to school.

            I pull into my normal spot and Lexi and Kayden climb out the truck and go their own way. I take out my key and put it in my packet but, before I get out of my truck I open the console and pull out a handful of condoms which is how I plan to get over Andie and my pain. I stuff them in my back pocket and get out of the truck with a confident fake happy smile.

            “Hey Cam!” Jen calls to me as she trots over her black hair swinging behind her back. She tosses her arms around my shoulder and presses her lips against mine. All I can think is that I want her to be Andie. Shit Cam you lost Andie and she isn’t coming back. I kiss Jen back and she nibbles on my lip. Well Cam it’s time move on and get over this hurt. I tell myself as I open my mouth and her tongue slips inside and we became a steamy make out session that has not affection on causing sparks inside me. I pull us down the hall and into a janitor’s closet where I take my mind off last night and my pain. I just wish it was Andie I was with.

Hey please read this!


I have been writing books for almost three years and i have never EVER wrote one that has made it to thirty chapters!!! :) Also 200 and some votes!!! Thank you guys so freaking much!!! And almost a 100 comments! Almost!

So heres the deal i really want to have 100 comments on this book so to get another update from me i need like four on the next one:)

So want more VOTE AND COMMENT!!

I would love you guys forever if you told people about this book.

You have to keep in mind i have tons of other books i'm working on but my two main ones are Secrets of a Tomboy and Sparks Flew Instantly... Not so how i decide what i update? Which ever recievce the most comments and votes is updated first..

Usually SFI...N gets the most but this last time my SOAT  fans have pulled ahead in which i say Thank you for your support!!!

Hmm ok if anyone wants make a book cover, banner, trailer, i'd love you for ever and dedicate to you!

HMMM sorry this is a long note :(

Hope you guys like!

It may suck!

Love you all

dont forget vote!

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