Chapter 2. Diamonds are a queen's best friend.

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"OWW!" Admetus howled as his mate's paw smashed into his back as she squirmed in her sleep. Bombalurina awoke with a huff and glared over at the tom. "Sorry!" He exclaimed quickly. "She kicked me again."

"Why?" The scarlet queen questioned bluntly, her face vacant of emotion.

"She's dreamin' and feels the need to injure me." He explained as quietly as possible, trying not to wake any other Jellicles in that den.

"Cassandra might be having a night terror, Demeter used to have those." Bomba sighed as she glanced over to her beloved sister. The black and gold queen was sprawled out on her back like a starfish, laying over her stomach was Callus, curled up against her right side was Hariena and on the left was Munkustrap whom had one arm over George. A fond smile spread across her face, she turned back to the troubled tom. "Just hold her and let her know you're there." Bombalurina whispered gently. She then laid back down and snuggled up under a tattered old blanket. Admetus' eyes trailed down to Cassandra, she had no visible fear on her face yet her body quivered and her claws were flexed. The tom lowered himself down and coiled around the female, tangling his legs with hers, holding onto her paws, pressing his chest to her back. After several moments, her body relaxed and the low rumble of a paw sounded.

"I'm here, Cassie." Cooed Admetus.

"Don't ever call me 'Cassie' again." She grumbled soundly.

Admetus scoffed slightly. "Figures you'd hear that." Pressing a small kiss to the back of her neck, the pair settled and quickly drifted back off to sleep.

Hours later, the sun rose over the Jellicle junkyard. The first to emerge out of a den was Skimbleshanks, he inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh crisp scent of the morning air as he gave a stretch. The light ginger tom had some time off of the trains for a while as it was sent in for its yearly service, so he was spending as much time with his Jellicle family as possible. As he opened his glass-green eyes after his glorious stretch, he caught a flash of orange creeping around the tom's den entrance.

"Mungojerrie..." Skimble called out sternly.

"Pollicles..." Mungo cursed, he had hoped the railway cat wouldn't catch him. Skimble was practically his father, as well as Rumple's and Jemima's. He'd pretty much raised the three. Jerrie and Teazer had been abandoned aboard one of his trains when they were extremely young and unable to fend for themselves, but upon seeing that they had Jellicle appearances Skimble brought them back to the Jellicle junkyard with him. Jennyanydots and Jellylorum had helped him to raise them and the tom treated them as if they really were his own offspring. Jemima's story was a little different. Several years after the calico sibling had arrived, Jemima, just a few weeks old, wandered right into the junkyard in an awful state. For a stray kitten of that age to look so terrible and weathered, he was surprised she was still alive.

Now watching the young tom trudge over, Skimbleshanks wondered why in the Heaviside Layer did Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer find joy in taking what's not theirs? "Really? Yer spent all night looting? And ye didnae even take yer sister?! Ye could've been in a lot of danger!" The older tom scolded. Mungojerrie's ears flattened against his head and he slung the sack in his paw over his shoulder.

"But I got presents fer the queens." The male calico responded quietly.

"Like what?" Skimble's eyes narrowed at the tom.

"Diamond bracelets." He replied nonchalantly. Rapidly, Skimble recoiled with a shocked gasp, clapping a paw to his chest just above his heart.

"By the Heaviside! You wait until Jenny hears about this!" He yowled as he began to totter back to the den. "She'll give yer a clip round der ear!"

"She'll 'ave ter find me first." Mungo snickered as he scampered away to the den. As he rolled inside he was greeted warmly by his friends, some queens had already made their way into this den from theirs. Etcetera was currently pawing at both of her brothers, Pouncival and Tumblebrutus, Electra was engaged with a simple card trick with Mistoffelees and Coricopat and Tantomile were quietly talking to one another.

"Morning Mungo!" Pouncival chirped as he attempted to push his sister away.

"Where were you all night?" Tumble questioned, he too shrugged Etcetera off and got up. Mungojerrie simply held the sack up to answer their question. A chorus of squeals sounded from the girls.

"Oh what did ya get?!" Electra squealed as she bounded over.

"Well ducks, I got you queens some of the finest diamond 'collars' in this 'ere land!" Mungo mused, faking his poshest voice as possible as he untied the sack. "Where's Teazer?" He questioned as he noticed a lack of his noisy sister.

"She went to wake up some of the others in the 'elders' den." Pouncival explained. "I'll go fetch 'em." With that the tom hopped up and rolled out of the den.

"You got us all diamond collars?! Oh how kind!" Etcetera squirmed in excitement.

"Calm yerself Cettie, I haven't even opened the bag yet!" The tom laughed as she began to bat at his ears. More Jellicles poured in from the entrance behind Pouncival. Rumpleteazer bounded in and barreled right into her brother, knocking the tom over. Half playfully and half viciously, she swiped at his ears and meowed in annoyance.

"Tink ya can go lootin' witout me?!" She roared. As Mungo sat up, he managed to push the female off, just as she was about to leap back, Pouncival grabbed hold of her and yanked her back.

"Cor' blimey Teazer! Knock me out why don't ya!" Mungo whined as he smoothed his paws over his ears. "Yous should be tankful, I got yer a present." Rumpleteazer shrugged herself from her mate's arms and padded over to the sack, she peered in and her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Heaviside, yous gonna be after da crown jewels next." She giggled. A cheesy spread over her twin's face as he unloaded the little navy blue cases. He opened up the first box and had a little examination, the bracelet had a sequence of diamonds and sapphires, gently, he lifted it out of the case and unclasped it at the back.

"Cettie! Dis one is for ya!" Mungo announced. The white and tan tabby clapped in elation and crawled over, letting the tom clasp it on as a new collar.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" Etcetera gushed. Next a thin silver chain bracelet with rubies and and a large diamond in the center was draped around Electra's neck, for Jemima amethysts and small circular diamonds hung ornate around her neck. Finally, Mungojerrie turned to his sister and held out a navy case to her. Teazer took hold of it and flipped it open, she gasped at the priceless sight, the beautiful bracelet consisted of oval cut diamonds packed into two neat rows.

"Oh Jerrie, this is magnificent!" She spun around to let her bother clip it on before she enveloped him in a tight hug.

"Only da best for me sister!"

The young queens chirped away happily to one another, every now and then their paws would brush lovingly against their jewels. There were still some boxes boxes left though, Mungo had already decided to let the older queens pick what they wanted later on. As if on cue Cassandra, Caligo and Bombalurina flitted in. Their gazes drifted to the excitable queens.

"Bloody hell, what did you do?! Rob the queen?!" Bomba spluttered.

"Nuffin of da sort, just picked up some lovely gifts for yous queens." Mungojerrie chided. Cassandra scoffed before slinking over to Alonzo.

"One day handsome, this will come back to bite you on the backside." The scarlet queen mused silkily. She sashayed past, letting her tail swish beneath his nose before she made her way over to the mystic twins in the corner.

"She's right y'know." Caligo chuckled as she crouched next to the sack. The magical queen waved a single paw over an open case and the exquisite bracelet floated out, it hovered in front of Mungo's face for a moment before vanishing in a puff of green smoke. "It'll all blow up in your face."

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