Chapter 19. The Jellicle's escape.

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As the tall grey tom thumped over the threshold, it suddenly all slotted into place.

"You're a Henchcat!" Spat Mungojerrie, jabbing a claw in the big tom's direction.

"Shut your mouth!" Angelo roared, causing the three adult toms to flinch, Charlie whimpered and hid behind Jerrie's legs. For several heartbeats Angelo's yellow eyes scanned each of them, his low growl was threatening. "Come with me..." he sneered.

"Why would we go anywhere with you?!" Tugger retaliated.

"Because your life depends on it!" He retorted harshly. There were no more objections, Jerrie grasped hold of Charlie's small paw and Misto held little Sylvi close to his chest as they followed behind the giant grey cat. On the other side of the door two other Henchcats had been standing guard, their heads tilted in acknowledgement to Angelo in passing, but he hardly paid attention, his position was far more superior. They walked for several minutes in total silence, only their minds wondering where they were being taken, but also where were the queens? Their destination was an unguarded door at the dead end of a corridor. Angelo halted in his tracks and snatched a glance over his shoulder before knocking quietly on the door four times. Practically within a second the door opened halfway and the Henchcat barrelled them inside. The room was dark but warm, it felt inviting and as soon as the light flickered on the toms heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

"Heaviside! We thought you lot were dead!" Bombalurina exclaimed as she sprinted over, pulling the three of them into a bone crushing hug. Quickly, Demeter followed but stopped once she noticed the bundle in Misto's arms.

"Goodness, is this Aggie's kitten?" She asked in concern, gently stroking the kitten's cheek.

"No! I am!" Charlie butted in, tapping Deme's thigh.

"Keep your voice down kid!" Came a new voice to the toms. Out of the shadows a vivid red and gold princess appeared and stood beside Caligo whom had lagged behind.

"Who's this chick?!" Tugger yowled.

"Shh!" Bomba scolded, smacking the back of his head. "This is Blizzard." Without another word to Tugger, the scarlet queen turned to Angelo, his dark stormy features were now beaming. "Thank you for finding them." She said softly.

"I am so confused right now." Tugger muttered it Misto.

"There is indeed a lot to explain, but there's no time, we need to get out of here." Caligo spoke up. In one instant the smile dropped from Demeter's face.

"What about defeating Macavity?!"

"Good luck with that, Dad's been watching you ever since you came into his territory, he's probably in his office right now composing a list of '101 ways to destroy a Jellicle'." Blizzard chuckled.

"No. Not today Deme...we've been caught off guard." Bomba said in attempts to soothe her sister.

"B-but we've come so far!" She shrieked.

"Quiet! Demeter! We'll have other chances, besides we have got kits to keep safe now. This is our chance to escape so lets get going." Caligo snapped. The black and grey queen placed her hands on Deme's shoulders and her neon green eyes bore into hers. Almost instantly the black and gold queen felt calmer, whatever Caligo was doing it was working.

"Knowing Macavity's track record he'll invite himself to the next ball." Bomba quipped.

"Right, now that's over and done with let's get out of here!" Finally, Blizzard said. She sauntered over to the single window on the back wall and pulled on the latch, letting it open as far as it would go. First out was Misto carrying Sylvi, then Charlie, Jerrie, Deme, Bomba and then Tugger. Just as Caligo was about to climb out of the window she paused and looked back at Angelo and Blizzard. Both had hesitant expressions upon their faces, life on the run from Macavity would be difficult for them, his daughter and top Henchcat. There were doubts in their mind that this was the right thing to do, Caligo could sense this.

"The Jellicle Junkyard is safe, our tribe will protect you both from Macavity. Trust me." The magical queen reassured. Blizzard looked up to Angelo, her fearful expression only confirmed that she shouldn't remain in that cesspit, no child should ever be afraid of their parent.

"Let's go." Angelo murmured firmly. The princess' features hardened with determination, and once Caligo had disappeared from the ledge, she practically vaulted out of the window. With one last look to the door, Angelo quickly followed.

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