Chapter 9. A prayer for the courageous.

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The day had finally arrived for the troop of brave Jellicles to leave and hunt down Macavity. Early on a Friday morning Demeter, Bombalurina, Caligo, Mistoffelees, the Rum Tum Tugger and Mungojerrie assembled in the clearing before the tire. They knelt down and glanced up toward Old Deuteronomy, just as he was about to speak, Jellicles crawled out of their dens and approached the troop. Respectfully, they touched paws and family members embraced their loved ones. It was an emotional sight to see.

Rumpleteazer let go of Pouncival's paw and she flung herself into Mungojerrie's arms. The calico queen had refused to let herself cry but she just could no longer prevent the tears from trickling down her cheeks. "Don't let grumpy guts hurt ya, or any of 'is minions." Teazer sobbed. Jerrie gave his sister a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't ya worry yeh pretty little face sis, bet ya a bag of cat nip I'm fastah than 'im."

"You're on." She sniffled.

A few feet away, Demeter held all three of her offspring in a bone crushing hug. They had their own arms wrapped around her waist and they nestled their noses onto her shoulders.

"I'm going to miss you three so much." Deme shuddered as she tried to retain her brave expression.

"We're going to miss you too..." Hariena mumbled, the fur on her cheeks was dampened by the salty tears that tumbled from her eyes.

"Make sure that you look out for one another, and look after your father."

"We will mum." They responded. Gently, George placed a kiss upon his mother's cheek before he pulled away from her embrace. Callus and Hariena followed suit and as their mother went to say farewell to Munkustrap they moved to their Aunt Bombie and Uncle Tugg next.

"Kick his butt, Uncle Tugg!" Callus jeered, balling his smaller paws into fists.

"Sure thing, bud." Tugger chuckled uneasily, feeling the emotions rise.

"Mess him up Bombie!" Hariena screeched, the princess still often had nightmares from the time the deranged Macavity kidnapped she and her brothers.

"Don't worry baby, I will." Bombalurina cooed. She bent down slightly and pulled her niece into a hug.

Misto had already said his goodbyes to his friends, Tumblebrutus, Electra and Cassandra. What was interesting was the fact that Tumble and Electra approached him together, arm in arm...he was probably going to miss quite a lot in his absence.

Few had approached Caligo, mainly because she was still the stranger of the tribe to some. She had embraced Rumpleteazer whom had almost become a younger sister over time, she had also said farewell to some of the younger toms and queens and that was that. As she stood between Mungojerrie and Mistoffelees, her breath shuddered a she contemplated the journey ahead, it was going to be as if she was travelling back in time.

Bombalurina had already been with her family and most of her friends, but when she went to bid a goodbye to Tantomile and Coricopat, she could only find the female psychic. She hugged the queen before questioning the lack of the other half.

"My brother grows increasingly distressed by your departure." Tantomile mewed softly. Apprehensively, she placed a paw onto the scarlet queen's shoulder and bowed her head.

"I just want to do something right by the tribe..." Bombalurina sniffed. The darker queen could not find the words to respond with an inspiring encouragement, however she did guide Bomba out of the clearing to the old closet that was just around the corner. The wooden door was propped open, slightly revealing the the interior. Bombalurina did not feel the feel the mystical female let go of her shoulder, but when she spun around to question as to why she was brought here, she had discovered Tantomile had vanished. Shrugging, the scarlet queen climbed into the dimly lit closet.

"Bomba?" Sounded Coricopat's shocked meow. Bombalurina sighed in relief and engulfed her friend in a tight embrace. "W-what are you doing here?" he stuttered as he reciprocated the action.

"I wanted to say goodbye before I left."

"Please don't." Cori shuddered. The queen pulled back to perch on her heels, through the poor light she could just about see his striped face, his fur was dampened down with tear tracks. "Saying goodbye makes it sound like you're never coming back."

"Of course I will..." She mumbled uncertainly.

"Really, you don't sound so sure. Bombie, you and I both know that Macavity has grown stronger, I've had a feeling for a while that he is..."

"But it hasn't been proven without a vision from Tantomile."

"Munkustrap is prime evidence!"  The tom snapped, silencing the queen instantly. "I don't want you to end up like Munk, or worse, dead." He meowed gravely. Bomba had no idea how to respond to that, her heart was thundering in her chest, her ears were flat and her tail flicked around her ankles.

"Cori, I need to do this." Was all she managed to utter.

The tom's miserable expression did not falter. "Fine, promise me one thing then?"

"What is it?"

"You'll come me..." He muttered with a hint of embarrassment to his voice. Carefully, Coricopat leaned forwards and pressed a small, gentle kiss to the very corner of the scarlet queen's mouth. A couple of seconds passed before he pulled back and took hold of both of her paws. She was completely dumbfounded and lost for words.

"Save it there, think of me when you miss home." Cori whispered. Bombalurina retracted a paw and held it to his cheek.

"You big softy!" She chuckled with a sniff. "I-I will be back, don't you worry." There was an element of uncertainty to her voice however she didn't let it show.

"Good." The pair hugged once more but this time there was something different, more emotions were present. His perhaps clearer than hers, but on this expedition she truly did have time to clear her head.


Standing before his tribe as tall and as proud as ever, Old Deuteronomy gazed down at the six cats whom were about to embark on the most dangerous of missions. The troops knelt down with their backs to the audience of Jellicles.

"A prayer for the courageous," The leader began, the same infectious smile was plastered to his face. "As you few brave Jellicles expand our horizons, go where none have gone before and fight the greatest of evils, know that you carry the strength and wisdom of us all. There will not be a day where loved ones do not miss you, where friends do not think of you. A gap will not be filled until your triumphant return. My children, bless your souls, you few but brave and courageous souls." Old Deuteronomy tottered down the steps and touched the pad of his paw to each of their foreheads. Alonzo, the temporary deputy, helped the leader back up to his perch where he motioned for the kneeling Jellicles to rise. They did so quickly and held their heads high, it was a miracle that Mungojerrie had been able to maintain this mature temperament. "Now be off and let your journey be safe."

Deme, Bomba and Tugger waved to their family, Mungojerrie saluted his sister and her mate before comically marching out of the clearing after the others. An eerie silence fell over the tribe as they watched their friends and family leave. They had no idea if they were to be successful on their mission to defeat Macavity, but they tried not to think about the worst outcome.

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