Chapter 24. The downfall.

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Immediately, Munkustrap was on his feet, yet before he could advance further he felt the familiar powerful constriction of Macavity's power wrap tightly around his body.

"I thought i'd left you for dead?" Grumbled Macavity.

"Takes more than a car to get rid of me Mac!" Munkus snarled breathlessly, trying to break free from the invisible bonds.

Macavity turned slowly, making sure he was facing every member of the Jellicle tribe, his left paw was held up, making sure he still had a grip on Munkustrap. Each cat seemed paralyzed in fear. "Do you know what Jellicles? I am sick of playing chase with you all! For so long I have been plotting my revenge against you all for banishing me, but then I thought, how sweet would revenge be if I just became your leader?"

A small audible gasp escaped Demeter's lips, she'd been watching with wide horrified eyes, and she'd had enough of Macavity now.

"You'll never be the leader of this tribe!" Bellowed Old Deuteronomy. The elderly leader stood tall and squared up to the Napoleon of crime.

Macavity cocked an eyebrow and from then on it all happened in slow motion. The palm of Macavity's hand raised and from it erupted from it and shot a blinding bolt of energy. It sailed through the air and before anyone could react, struck Old Deuteronomy in the chest. There was a stunned silence which swept the yard as the benevolent leader collapsed to his knees. The most gut wrenching grin crossed Macavity's face as he watched the loving light vanish from Old Deuteronomy's eyes. "Behold Jellicles! Your new leader!" Macavity bowed lowly, his long fur falling over his shoulders. Once he had risen he threw his palm out once again and Munkustrap was sent flying through the air like a rag doll, smashing into a junk pile.

"BASTARD!" screamed Demeter. Leaping up she made a dash for Macavity but was quickly thrown back by the flick of his wrist. Seeing the events already unfolding, Jellylorum rapidly collected the kittens and ushered them into the infirmary, she could already tell that this was going to end bloody.

"Now, what will I do first? As leader it is important to make a good first impression." His hooded eyes scanned the yard, a mixture of emotions was present, anger, fear, sadness. 3

"Whatever you do, no one will follow." Caligo boomed. Abruptly, she stood and sent her own magic spiraling towards Macavity. The magic's impact caused him to stumble back, in his moment of weakness a battle cry rocked the yard as every Jellicle began to charge.

Once the ginger tom had stabilized himself, the first Jellicle reached the up top platform. It was Alonzo. The last time the black and white guardian took on Macavity was several years ago when the criminal decided to have his last excursion to the yard. The first blow Alonzo delivered was to the Hidden Paw's right shoulder, jarring him sideways, enabling Alonzo to get a good kick in on the left side. He thought this would be enough to throw Macavity down but he didn't budge  and in an instant was hurtled back by a bolt of energy. Growling viciously, Macavity climbed upon the metal railings and leaped off, landing in the clearing with a thud. 

The next attack came from behind, a sharp set of claws slashed across Macavity's shoulder blades and instantly he felt the heat of oozing blood trickle down his back. "That'll need stitches, Pretty Boy." Sneered Bombalurina. Macavity spun around and aimed to repay the slash to her cheek but she ducked and barreled into him. Both of the cats tumbled off of the ledge, luckily Bomba managed to grab hold of the railing but Macavity landed on the trunk of the car with a cracking thud. Helplessly dangling, if she fell now Bomba would land right back into the Macavity danger zone, but she didn't have enough strength to pull herself back up. Just as her grip began to slip, two large grey paws wrapped around her wrists and she began to feel herself be pulled back up.

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