Chapter 18. Unlikely hero.

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The recent events raced through Demeter's mind in a horrid flash. She'd awoken upon hearing movement around her and then before she could even register what was going on, all six of the Jellicle troop were hauled up by Henchcats. Now Demeter, Bombalurina and Caligo were huddled together shivering in a dark underground cell. The black and gold queen, whom had remained brave throughout the whole trip, had her head buried into the fur of her sister's lap, she sobbed heavily as Bomba ran a paw over Deme's back. Caligo was sat right beside Bombalurina, their shoulders pressed together and backs against the wall. The magical queen's knees were drawn up to her chin and her eyes were fixed dead ahead at the door. Tugger, Misto and Jerrie had been taken somewhere else and she hadn't been able to catch where.

"Caligo..." Bombalurina whispered.


"Where are we?"

The magical queen took a moment to think, her eyes trailed away from the door so she could observe their dim surroundings. "The cells beneath the kennels." Caligo felt Bomba shudder against her shoulder. "I'm going to get us out of here, Bomba. We'll find the toms and then run."

"No!" Demeter exclaimed as she abruptly rose up, her cheeks were damp from crying. "No! We can't give up after how far we've come! We've got Jellicles to save!"

"Deme's right, Caligo. We vowed to defeat Macavity and we promised Aggie we'd rescue her kitten. Caligo, what about Midnight?" The dark queen's expression softened at the sudden mention of her lost sweetheart. "You can't let all that bitter time planning revenge go to waste." Suddenly, Caligo jumped to her feet and stumbled to the center of the room, releasing a shuddering breath.

"My Midnight..." She croaked, her voice was hardly audible. 

Ever so slowly her neon green eyes became level with the door and the palms of her hands lifted to match the height. All of a sudden a blinding flash exploded from Caligo's paws and shot towards the door, blasting it to smithereens. Instead of Henchcats flooding in, the queens were rather surprised to a striking orange coloured princess standing on the other side. 

"Dammit! I swiped the key for nothing!" She whined dramatically, swinging the key loop around an index finger. She sauntered in with a hand propped upon a hip. 

"Who the hell are you?!" Caligo shrieked, her arms dropped to her sides. The three queens stared at the princess in bewilderment. 

"My name's Blizzard." The princess responded as if it was the most obvious answer on the planet. 

"Why do you look so familiar?" Muttered Bomba as she cocked her head to the side. 

"Oh, you probably know my dad since you're," She paused to gesture to their surroundings, "here, and my mother is Griddlebone." 

"What?!" Deme and Bomba spluttered in unison. "Griddlebone's alive?" Bombalurina hissed, her tail sponged whipped around her legs. 

"Yes? Why wouldn't she be?" Blizzard frowned. 

"No time to explain, are you here to get us out?" Caligo interrupted as she pointed to the key in Blizzard's hand. 

"Indeed I am! Follow me." As Caligo began to follow the princess willingly, the two sister's exchanged glances of caution, but they knew this was their only way of escape, so they sprinted after the other two. 


"We ain't never getting out of here..." Tugger groaned as he watched Mungojerrie try and pick the lock of their cell with his claw. 

"Nah, don't you worry Tuggs, I'll 'ave us outta 'ere in a jiffy!" Jerrie chuckled uncertainly as he attempted to twist his claw. 

"No you won't..." Said Tugger flatly. Turning his attention away from the calico, the maine coon's eyes fell upon Mistoffelees. For now the younger tom was in a strained sleep, the magic tom's wound had healed nicely but he still needed to regain his strength. But being imprisioned by Macavity was not going to help that. 

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