Chapter 13. Clouded mind.

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As promised, the Yard Jellicles left the farm at dawn. Aggie and the two toms, whom they had now learnt were Henry and Johnny, watched from their perch on the wall as the Jellicles marched down the path. Over the course of the night just gone the farm cats and the Yard cats had become rather acquainted. 

So now with a bright sky above and a clear path ahead, the Jellicles did not hesitate to break out into a run, aiming to reach their destination by late morning. The next 'landmark' the troop would be passing was the industrial warehouses, which Mungojerrie remembered fondly as a gold mine, or rather a diamond mine. Those familiar grey bricked buildings which stood in strict form like an army, were just up ahead now. The mid morning sun was hidden behind a grey cloud, accentuating the gloominess of the area. As they reached the stretch of road that the estate was located on, a thought struck Mungojerrie's mind. 

"It's Monday! Da workers will be swarmin' the place!" 

"What? That means we'll have to take a different route..." Caligo grumbled. Taking hold of the map that Tugger had quickly handed to her, she inspected the potential pathways. The road leading up to the industrial warehouses would eventually lead to the railway line that they would have to cross, but going off of estimation they would not reach there for another few hours. However closer inspection reveled another route. A section on the map seemed to be more highlighted than any other, it was a small field or park, Caligo peered at it with deep interest, something was telling the female conjurer to take this path. Eventually, her eyes trailed up to her fellow comrades. "I-I think we should cross through this green." Caligo uttered. 

"Are you sure? Because you don't sound it." Hesitantly, Bombalurina questioned. Caligo gave a certain nod before carefully folding the map, the small square of paper was returned to the inside of Tugger's glove and when they were ready, the journey resumed. It was not long until the grey bricked buildings towered over the Jellicles on the right side of the road. On the left the green field was shining under the sunlight. Rapidly before any workmen on the right side could spot them, they dashed over the road and wiggled under the fence. The grass felt like a plush luxurious pillow underneath their paws and a picnic bench nearby provided the perfect sunning spot as they rested. 

Bombalurina laid out into a long sensuous stretch, her scarlet fur seemed even more fiery in the blazing sunlight. Pillowing her hands behind her head she gratefully lapped up the warm rays, autumn would be arriving soon and the sun would hibernate, so to speak, until spring. If Coricopat were here, she thought, he would be grumbling about the 'insufferable' heat and then she would swat him around the ear for complaining. It was odd thinking about the male mystic twin, especially after what had happened between the pair before she left...gracious she hadn't even told Demeter about that yet. Rolling onto her side, the scarlet queen faced the black and gold queen whom was resting on the bench seat. 



"Can we chat? Sister to sister?" Bomba gave her younger sister the sweetest smile that she could muster, effectively creeping Demeter out. 

"What have you done..?" She asked skeptically. The older queen let out a nervous giggle and slipped down onto the bench next to Deme. 

"Cori kissed me." 

"You sound like a princess!" Demeter chuckled disbelievingly. 

"I'm not joking Deme! Before we left, he told me he was going to wait, and then he kissed me!" Bomba screeched. 

"You-you're being serious?" 


There was a minute or two of silence whilst Demeter processed this information. Blankly, her eyes blinked, which Bombalurina took as s mostly good sign. "But I thought you two were just friends?" Finally, she snickered. Bomba nodded at her sister's statement, she was just as confused. 

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