Chapter 25. A new era.

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The Jellicle Ball, as it did arrived and was welcomed greatly. Grand celebrations had been planned to honor the memory of Old Deuteronomy and to commemorate Munkustrap's new position as leader of the tribe. But before the Jellicles could commence their annual tradition of singing and dancing, Munkustrap had several announcements to make. 

"I am continually grateful to all of you helping me to settle into this position. Old Deuteronomy will forever be missed but will always be with us in our hearts, thankfully the evil that stole him from us will never hurt a soul again. I will never live up to his greatness but I will do right by this tribe, I promise that. So now I'd like to appoint my second and third in command and tribe guardians." He paused to smile down at his family for reassurance. "For second in command, I could never think of a better Jellicle to take this position. Alonzo, do you promise to protect this tribe with your life in any absence from myself?" 

Proudly, Alonzo stood and bowed, a wide and bright smile adorned his face. "I wholeheartedly promise, Leader." 

"Thank you." Next was the position of third in command, a highly anticipated position and everyone was eager to hear Munkustrap's decision. "Cassandra," The Burmese queen's head shot up in surprise after hearing her name be called. She pointed to herself in utter disbelief, Munkustrap chuckled lightly and nodded, signaling for her to stand. "You are a strong willed and determined queen who demonstrates courage on a daily basis. Will you promise to protect this tribe as third in command?" 

"It will be an honor, Leader!" She responded in amazement, her heart thumped, she finally felt important, like she could make a difference. Her fears had been rooted from her encounter with Macavity those years ago, but now that he was gone, she could focus on making a difference in the yard. 

"Thank you, and finally for our guardians. It is a challenge to be a guardian to say the least, which is why I have chosen these Jellicles, whom I know will take this role in their stride. Tugger, Admetus, Plato and Angelo. Do you four promise to guard our tribe from day to day and defend any tribe member from danger?" Each of them stood and bowed, grateful of the exceptional honor. 

"We will, Leader!" Their voices rumbled in unison. 

"Thank you, and thank you to all of you, each and every Jellicle present is a dear friend, and a tom or Leader could not have asked for a better bunch. Onward and upward, we are a family and we stick together, forever." Munkustrap beamed, his voice faltered, the emotion was moving him, overwhelming his words with truth. He climbed down from the tire and the first to come to him was of course Demeter. As she pressed her lips to his, the Jellicle moonlight ascended the clearing of the yard, the beginning of the Ball was nearing. 

As the Jellicles were assembling into their places, Bombalurina pulled Angelo to the side. He looked to her in shock but she had a smirk painted upon her lips. "Guardian, eh?" She mused, playfully elbowing his side. 

"Indeed, as Cassandra put it, it is an honor." He replied with a grin of his own. For a moment the pair stood there, Bombalurina was watching the Grey tom's face. His fight with Macavity had left Angelo with a scar just above his left brow bone and one reaching down his right cheek bone. 

"I never said thank you...for stopping me from falling off of the ledge." She whispered. The scarlet queen reached up and gently let her fingertips run over the scar on his cheek, her ears flattened as she felt the tom lean into her touch. His yellow eyes glowed in the dimness, they bored into her own green eyes and she felt something stir within. 

"You're welcome." He said softly. Taking hold of both of Bombalurina's paws he touched his forehead to her and heard her breathing hitch. "Bomba?" 


"May I accompany you to the ball?" No tom had ever asked her to the ball before, she felt a burst of excitement take over and she nodded happily. Quickly, she leaned in to embrace the tom, but at the very last second, he drew the queen's chin upwards and their lips met in a chaste kiss. It was sweet and the music echoing from the clearing submerged the pair. 

Munkustrap took center spot in the clearing, he inhaled deeply, his first ball as leader. There was no longer a fear of Macavity, families were together once again and loved ones were united. Feeling the love and encouragement of his tribe backing him up, Munkustrap began to sing. 

Are you blind when you're born?


And that is the end of Cats Forever!! D: 

But fear not, I have actually started writing the third installment to this story! XD But I need help naming it, if you lovely readers could comment or PM me potential titles for the next story I would be eternally grateful! To contact me more directly, either message me on here, Wattpad, or if you use Tumblr my username is @rrrrrumpleteazer and feel free to contact me on there! :D 

Thank you for reading the sequel to Cats Onwards, it has been a pleasure writing the lives of the Jellicle cats as always and I am eager to continue with that in the next installment! 

Don't forget to vote and comment, I love reading comments and replying so don't be shy! 

Peace out for now! -L xxx

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