Just a little crush

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A/N: Hey guys welcome to my book! Hope you enjoy! Now i will try to name all the chapters but i might become too lazy to do so lol

--> Skyler! only with a bit shorter hair 

Skye POV

"I'm gay." Ashur, my best friend stared at me wide eyed before tilting his head.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?" he asked, eyes narrowed. I nodded timidly, oh no. shit. He doesn't look too happy. I thought. He blinked before smiling,

"Why do you look so petrified? Geez did you think I would kill you or something? Hell no, I kind of already figured that you were." My eyes widened before a smile crept onto my face. Ashur put his hands on his hips and pouted,

"Can't believe you'd think that low of me." I rubbed the back of my neck timidly,

"Well uh... we live in a small town that doesn't really appreciate gays, and I thought you would be the same." I replied. Ashur popped his hip out and frowned,

"Wow thanks bro, makes me feel real good about myself" he grinned and walked towards me slinging his arm over my shoulder,

"So, who do you like? Oh wait let me guess..." He got a thoughtful look on his face before looking at me, grey eyes gleaming in the sunlight.

"It's Ret isn't it?" my eyes widened, how did he know? He grinned and nodded.

"It is, isn't it?" I gave a slow nod and his grin widened.

"My best friend has a crush on my other best friend, great." His voice practically dripped sarcasm.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" he shrugged and stood up straight.

"Well it'll be awkward now, now that I know your little secret." I frowned.

"Oh yeah how did you know?" Ashur looked at me, a brow raised.

"About what? You bein' gay or you likin' Ret?" I shrugged and he tilted his head.

"Well this kinda goes both ways, it's how I figured both out." I raised an eyebrow, "You were always so nervous around Ret, you'd blush every time he so much as passed us or stopped to talk to me. At first I thought maybe it was social anxiety but you were never nervous around others, so I kinda guessed you were gay. Well now you confirmed one of my suspicions so that left one more question. Who did you like?"

I groaned," Was it that obvious?" Ashur shrugged.

"Not really. You gotta remember Skye, I have some amazing observational skills." He smiled and ruffled my black hair. I slapped his hand away and he pouted before walking.

"Well let's go." I tilted my head and he laughed before flicking my forehead, making me wince.

"To school dummy. Oh and don't worry about Ret."

"What do you mean?" he looked over his shoulder at me and shrugged.

"Little crushes like this don't last forever. You should be okay by the end of freshman year."

That was 3 years ago, and now I'm a junior in high school. My crush on Ret never disappeared, in fact it only got worse. I'd find myself staring at him in the middle of Chemistry, thankfully he never noticed but Ashur did. I'd see him sending me sympathetic glances out of the corner of my eye every time I caught myself staring. Sometimes Ret's presence would be too much and I'd have to cool off in the bathroom and every time that happened, Ashur was right behind me. In fact right now was one of those moments.

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