Trying to get over him

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--> Ashur! (babs)

Skye POV

It's been three days since I found out that Ret had a girlfriend and I've been in bed the whole time, not even bothering to get up and go to school. Ashur has come in the mornings to pick me up but I never come out. He's visited a few times but I never respond. I still don't understand why it hurts so much. The pain can be unbearable sometimes.

I sigh when I hear tires on gravel and then a beep. Ashur seems to have come again. I close my eyes and curl up under my blankets. I gasp when the covers are pulled off and a tired looking Ashur looks down at me.

"Skye. You need to go to school. Everyone is worried." He sighs. I just curl up tighter and turn on my other side.

"What's the point?" I croak out, "Ret has a girlfriend and I'm in enough pain as it is without seeing them together."

"So what? You're just gonna sit in bed all day every day? Have you even eaten anything? And when was the last time you took a shower?" Ashur asked exasperated. I pull my comforter back over my body but sigh when it's thrown off again.

"Why does it matter?" I sigh. I hear Ashur groan before he grabs my arm and yanks me from my bed. I glare at him with tired and dull eyes.

"You need to go to school! Skye, everyone is worried sick, even Ret! He's been asking about you ever since the incident!"

"Why does it matter to him?" I mumble.

"He doesn't know Skye! Nobody knows what happened when you suddenly locked yourself in the men's bathroom beside me and Stacy! You can't blame him. He's in my truck waiting for you to come out. He knows that I've been coming here to pick you up and he insisted that he come along. He cares Skye." Ashur yells. I yank my arm from his grasp and glare at him.

"I don't care Ashur! I'm done! I know I can't have him and he's the one that kept my hopes up after my parents died. Yeah you helped a little but seeing him every day laughing with his friends gave me hope that maybe I can be happy again! That maybe he'll accept my feelings! But he's not gay and he has a girlfriend! Do you understand how that feels?! No you don't because you have an amazing girlfriend that has been with you since middle school! Who do I have? I have nobody!" I growl.

"Get over it! It's just a little fucking crush! There are other people out there Skye! Ret isn't the only one out there! Get over it and stop being a fucking baby!" My eyes widen and I scream and slap him across the face. He looks at me shocked.

"I can't Ashur! Can't you tell!? I've stayed home trying to get over it but every time I think of Ret pain shoots through my body! I can't get over him! It's not that fucking simple!" I yell, tears flowing down my face. Ashur looks at me, holding his cheek and looking at me shocked. We've never been in a fight and I've never hit him before. I'm shaking in both rage and pain as I look up at him.


"No! Shut up Ashur!" I yell and run down the stairs in just my sweatpants.

"Skye!" He runs after me and I throw my front door open before running out but am surprised when Ash tackles me from behind.

"Get off!" I scream.

"NO! Listen to me! God damn it Skye!" I glare up at him.

"I'm sorry okay!? I didn't mean to say those things! You're right I don't know how it feels! I should have tried looking at it from your perspective but I was just so angry! You've been gone for three days and everyone's worried. I'm tired of telling people that I don't know how you are doing when they ask me! I just want you back! I want my happy brother back. The Skye that would get lost in his thoughts, the Skye that would blush at the simplest things, the Skye that told me everything!"

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