Pregnancy is a bitch

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<--- Ash being... well Ash lol

When class is over, I go right to Ret who wraps his arms around me.

"How're you doing baby?" I nuzzle my face into his chest and sigh.

"Tired." I hear him chuckle before I'm picked up bridal style.

"Ret!" I groan but he just laughs, walking down the hall, Ash trailing behind. My stomach suddenly growls loudly and Ret laughs. I groan and lay my hand on my stomach.

"It's not funny asshole." I grumble. I yawn and close my eyes, snuggling closer to him.

"Baby, you need to stay awake." I groan and huff and slowly open my eyes. We walk into our next class, Chemistry. Shit, we're doing a lab today. I sigh and Ret looks at me, a questioning look in his eyes.

"We have a lab today." Ret nods in understanding and sets me on my feet next to my desk. I sit down with a huff as the teacher begin demonstrating the lab. When he announces that we need a group of three and we can pick the people out, I immediately went to Ret and Ash. We went to an empty spot in the back and begin our lab. Ret pulls out a chunk of sulfur and I become nauseous. I covered my mouth, feeling the bile rise up in my throat. I gag a few times and Ret looks over worriedly. I see him curse under his breathe before he hands Ash the sulfur and comes over to me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I hold up a finger telling him to wait.

"Ashur keep doing the lab, for a bit please." I hear a commanding tone in his voice and Ash nods, putting the sulfur in a red liquid. As soon as the sulfur's scent faded I was finally able to swallow down the bile that was threatening to spew out of my mouth. I put my hand on my stomach and groan.

"I don't think the pup likes the smell of sulfur." Ret chuckles and hugs me.

"I guess not." He sticks his face in my neck and tightens his arms around me. I smile lightly and sigh. He pulls back and kisses my forehead before heading over to Ash to help with the lab.

After class I practically run to the lunchroom, my stomach growling loudly. I get a big tray and get spaghetti, milk, a salad, a cheese burger, and some pickles. When I sit back down at the table, Ash and Stacy look at my plate with wide eyes.

"Holy shit Skye! By this rate you'll get fat." I stop unwrapping the cheeseburger and glare at Ash.

"I KNOW I'M FAT OKAY!? GEEZ!" Ash stares wide-eyed at me, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"Dude, chill, I was joking." I glare harder at him and ball my fists up.

"YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I stand up, tears in my eyes and teeth gritted. Ret stands up quickly and pulls me into his chest. I let the tears fall, a mixture of anger and sadness welled up in my chest.

"Shh, baby, it's okay. Shhh. I'm here love. It's okay." Ret whispers, rocking side to side. I pull back from him, a glare aimed at him.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT! I DIDN'T EVEN WANT THIS!" Ret's eyes widen and I see his eyes dull a little with guilt. Instantly all my anger disappears as what I said registers. I put a hand over my mouth, eyes wide as a new wave of tears fall from my eyes.

"Ret I didn't—" He wraps me in a hug, pulling me against his chest.

"I know. I know you didn't mean it." I let a sob free and I continue apologizing. After a few minutes I stop crying and pull back to look at him sadly.

"I'm sorry." I whisper for the 100th time. He just shushes me and kisses my forehead.

"Come on love, you need to eat, it's not just eating for you now." I smile lightly and sit down on his lap after he takes a seat. I scarf down my food, stealing a little off Ret's plate. I burp and blush while Ash, Ret, and Stacy laugh.

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