becoming pack and mating

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A/N: I can bet that from the title of the chapter you can figure out that the mating is in this chappy lol.

(I'll put a picture up a little later, since I'm in school when i upload this :P)

<--- song is "Or nah" by the weekend. it's the nightcore version. if you think it would be better to have the original, then please tell me. the song is for the mating if yu want music for it lol.

Skye POV

I jolt awake to the sound of a door opening. I look around confused before laying my head back down and closing my eyes, drifting off again. Before the darkness of sleep consumes me I hear quiet talking.

"He's too fuckin' cute Ret." I hear a soft chuckle before I feel fingers card through my hair. I sigh in contentment and cuddle closer to Ret.

"Skye, love we need to get up." I huff and blink open my eyes, glaring up at Ret. He has an apologetic smile on his face and my glare softens. I tilt my head confused so he elaborates.

"The pack is ready to meet you." My eyes widen and I sit up and stretch. I crack my neck and grin when I feel Ret hug me from behind.

"They'll love you." He whispers. I smile softly and lean into him, taking comfort in his embrace.

"Come on bitches!" Ash declares. I roll my eyes and huff when Ret lets me go. He begins walking to the door and I try thinking of ways to keep as much contact as I can. I yelp in surprise when I feel Ret pick me up bridal style and hugs me to his chest. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in his neck. We walk downstairs and out of the apartment, going down another flight of stairs before going outside. I see a big stage in the back yard and that's when the nerves set in. what if they hate me? What if I'm not good enough for them? I feel a gentle kiss on my head and look at Ret. He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Relax, I told you before, they'll love you." I go to reply but Ash interrupts me.

"Why not make him a member of the pack during this meeting?" I stare at Ash confused.

"I thought I already was." Ret chuckles.

"Not officially. You can't use the mind link."

"What would happen for me to be an official member?" Ret hugs me tighter as he explains.

"I need to have you drink my blood." I gape at him.

"I'm not a vampire!" Ashur cackles loudly while Ret tries to suppress a smirk.

"Here's what happens," Ash explains, "Ret will bite his wrist and bite yours." I tilt my head.

"Does it hurt?" Ret shakes his head.

"Not really, just pressure." I think before nodding.

"I'll do it." Ret grins down at me.

"Well alright then."

I stand behind Ret, clutching his shirt in my fists. He is talking to the pack, telling them he found his mate, to which cheers and howls sound throughout the area. Some of the pack members already met me but most of them didn't even know I existed. I feel a nudge and look up seeing Ret smiling at me from over his shoulder. He nods toward the crowd and I slowly let go of his shirt, latching onto his arm instead and timidly stepping out from behind him to stand next to him. He introduces me and I get nervous under everyone's stares. He announces that he will be making me part of the pack officially and everyone cheers.

Ret turns toward me and smiles reassuringly. He brings his wrist up to his mouth before biting it and holding it to my lips. I timidly open my mouth and let the blood flow down my throat. After a few seconds he retracts his wrist and holds mine up to his lips. He kisses it gently causing a blush to explode on my face. He licks my wrist before biting gently. I flinch slightly but after a few seconds he licks the wound and I bring my wrist back to my body I look at it and see no wound.

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