The beautiful black wolf

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<--- Ret

Skye POV

We sat there, watching T.V. I tried ignoring Ret's presence and eventually fell asleep.

I'm in a forest, fog surrounds me, the moon shining brightly above me. I don't know why, but I'm completely calm. I look around and take a step forward before hearing a howl. I stop when a black and white wolf steps out from the darkness. I gasp, it's gorgeous. Its paws are white along with the tip of its tail,  its blue eyes stare at me with an emotion I can't read and I notice the scar on it's right eye, quickly reminding me of Ret, before it steps out from the darkness all the way. It's huge. Its back reaches my shoulder, maybe even a little higher. The wolf walks toward me, but I don't run. Instead I extend my hand. It makes a growling sound, but not threatening. It nuzzles my hand and I smile. It's so soft. I run my fingers through its fur and it makes a purring noise in the back of its throat. Suddenly the wolf changes and in its place stands a man. A very naked and muscular man. I go to look up at his face but it's blurred. I go to touch his face when everything becomes distorted.

My eyes snap open and I bolt up, slamming my head against Ashur's.

"Ack! Fuck Skye!"

"Shit that hurt." I groan, rubbing my forehead. I blink and look up at Ash who is also rubbing his forehead. I tilt my head and look around slightly disappointed. That was a weird dream. I shake my head and the wolf's face pops up in my mind.

"Skye?" I look up at Ash's voice and blink.

"You okay?" I nod silently, still in a trance from my dream. I stretch and groan when my back pops. I look around and don't see Ret anywhere so I tilt my head and glance at Ash.

"He's in the kitchen getting a drink." He answers my silent question. I nod and tilt my head.

"Hey Ashur?" Ash looks at me with a raised brow. I blush slightly and avert my eyes before looking back at him.

"I h-had a weird dream." Ash tilts his head before he leans on the arm of the chair.

"That's weird, you never have dreams. Alright now I'm curious. Tell me what it was about." I avert my eyes again and look at the wall as I rethink of the dream.

"I-I was in a forest, there was fog around my feet. I started walking forward when I heard a howl." I look back at Ashur to see his reaction but he's just looking at the floor, a thoughtful look on his face, so I continue.

"A wolf stepped out from the shadows but I didn't feel scared. He was beautiful Ash." I smile, "He was black, with white paws, the tip of his tail was white. He was huge, his back was probably near my neck, and he had these piercing blue eyes." I say excitedly. Ashur looks shocked, his eyes widened slightly.

"But something weird happened," I continue, "When he started nuzzling my hand, he turned into a man. He was naked and muscular, he kind of had Ret's build. But, I couldn't see his face, it was blurred. And that's it." I look at Ashur worried, "Ash?" he looks at me and gives me a weak smile.

"That is a weird dream." He says thoughtfully. I tilt my head but leave it and stretch again, yawning.

"Yeah, but I liked it honestly." I admit, smiling. Ash tilted his head and shrugged. He still had a thoughtful look in his grey eyes. When Ret walked in, he looked tense and he had confusion in his orange eyes. Ashur met Ret's gaze and they stared at each other, it looked like they were having a silent conversation. After a few minutes, Ashur blinked and looked away.

I yawned and got up. Ash and Ret stared at me and I blushed and fidgeted under Ret's intense stare. I looked down at my feet and saw Ret and Ashur share a look before Ret tilted his head. I averted my eyes, looking everywhere but at him.

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