Defending my pack

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<---- Pissed off Ryder (but with blue eyes) don't mess with his pack

I blink open my eyes when I feel myself being picked up. I look around lazily before looking up to see Ret beaming down at me.

"Go back to sleep love." I blink tiredly before my eyes close and my head falls against Ret's shoulder. I yelp when I feel a sudden pressure in my stomach. I look down and put my hand on my baby bump trying to calm the pup that was moving. A few minute pass before the intense pressure stops. I sigh and relax again. Ret chuckles, realizing what had happened.

"I blame you." Ret's laughs again, shaking his head.

"You always blame me." He pouts down at me and I chuckle.

"Because everything's your fault."

"Is not!" I laugh lightly at him.

"Is too." He huffs at my response.

"Rude." I chuckle again and look up at his smiling face. I lean up and peck his lips before laying my head on his shoulder.

"I love you," I sing. He chuckles before kissing my forehead.

"Love you too." I smile and close my eyes.

"Twins huh? Both male. I wonder what we'ill name them." Ret smiles and gets a thoughtful look on his face before shrugging.

"So what are Ash and Stacy having?" ret looks down at me.

"A baby girl." I grin and nod.

"Bet she'll be a cutie." Ret chuckles. I squeak when my stomach drops as Ret sits on our bed. I glare up at him and he smiles innocently. I huff and roll my eyes before smiling. Ret lays down on his side, me snuggled up to him with my eyes closed. Soon enough I fall asleep.

I jolt awake when I hear loud howling. Ret jumps from the bed and looks around before his eyes widen.

"What's going on?" Ret grits his teeth and grabs me before rushing down the stairs.

"Rogues." I curse under my breath. Ret rushes toward the safety room and places me on one of the couches.

"I'll be back." I nod and he kisses my forehead before rushing out the door. Multiple people rush in, both women and children alike. I sit by myself on the black couch, hand on my stomach as I watch everyone file in. Stacy comes in, Ashur right behind her. They see me and smile before sitting next to me.

"How're you doing?" Ash asks, head tilted to the side.

"Tired." I sigh. Ash smiles at me apologetically.

"So is Stacy. Always tired, but not as tired as you. You're carrying two pups." He chuckles. I stretch, cracking my neck before relaxing into the couch again.

Ret POV:

I quickly tear the rouge's throat out before lunging at another one. Ryder is seething in my head as i swiftly kill rouge after rouge. I yelp when teeth sink into the flesh on my leg. I turn and wrap my jaws around the rouge's head, causing it to yelp and let my leg go. I quickly sink my teeth into its throat, causing a gurgling sound to escape its mouth as it tries to get air into its lungs.

"Alpha, the rogues have fled" Tyler's voice rings in my mind and i lick the blood from my muzzle.

"Alright, make sure some of you chase them off my territory" a series of 'yes Alpha' ring in my head as i leave the dying rogue where it lays and trot back to the pack house.

I quickly take a shower before throwing on some sweats and going to the safe room. When I walk in, i see my mate snuggled in a few blankets. When I clear my throat, everyone looks at me curiously.

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