Our beautiful pups

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<--- Maverick and Avery <3

It's been about a month since that day, making it about 4 months and 2 weeks. The baby bump is now extremely noticeable, not even a large sweater can cover it. Ret has been the best mate around, doing everything for me, even though it irritates the hell out of me. I'm a man, i can do shit even if i am pregnant.

"Baby, do you want anything? Food? A drink? Another pillow?" i shake my head at Ret's worried gaze and smile at him.

"Some chamomile tea sound good right now." He smiles and nods, rushing out of the room. I roll my eyes when i hear a crash and Ret screaming 'I'm okay' from downstairs. My bladder makes itself known and i roll my eyes again. This is the fourth time in an hour. I slowly get up and waddle to the bathroom and empty my bladder. I flush and wash my hands before stretching. I hear my back pop and groan quietly. Carrying twins isn't easy, it's the exact opposite. It's worse than a normal pregnancy. I yawn and walk out of the bathroom but stop in the doorway when i see my mate rushing about, calling my name frantically.

"Babe, it's okay, I'm right here." He stops in his tracks and looks at me before rushing over and patting my body down, looking for any injury.

"What are you doing out of bed! I told you if you needed anything, to call me." I sigh and lean against the wall.

"Babe, i had to take a piss and you were downstairs, I didn't go anywhere." my mate glares at me sternly, before sighing and slumping his shoulders. He helps me back to the bedroom before sliding in bed next to me. He hands me the tea and i take it gratefully, kissing his cheek in thanks before i take a sip of the warm drink. I hum in appreciation when i taste a hint of honey, just the way i like it.

"Thanks love." Ret grins down at me, orange eyes sparkling with love and adoration. He kisses the top of my head.

"It's no problem baby." i smile and take another sip, already feeling relaxed. When i finish the drink, Ret puts the cup on the nightstand as i lean against him. I sigh in content when i feel Ret's large, warm hand on my stomach, his fingers rubbing circles into the flesh. My eyes close on their own accord and i fall asleep.

I wake up when i feel Ret's warmth sliding away from my body. I groan in protest and blindly grab for him, only to hit air. I huff and snuggle deeper into the warmth of the blanket. I hear ret's footsteps walking downstairs and i squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out the light that streams in from the cracks between the blinds.

I jolt awake when someone shakes my shoulder. I didn't even realize that i had fallen asleep.

"Come on love, wake up. We need to go see Evan for a progress check." i groan in response, trying to bury further. Ret chuckles lightly before pulling the covers away from my body. I shoot him a tired glare and groan.

"Why do you hate me?" he chuckles again.

"I don't hate you love." i huff and slowly sit up, with Ret's help of course. I hop in the shower with my mate before getting dressed in black baggy jeans and one of Ret's hoodies. Ret helps me down the stairs and out the door. We make slow progress to the infirmary, since i had to keep stopping to catch my breath. When we get there, Evan already has already set everything up. He smiles at us and Ret helps me on the bed. I take off the hoodie and Evan slathers the gel on my stomach making me shiver.

He grabs the wand and runs it over my stomach. I immediately spot two humanoid figures curled together. I smile and Evan attaches a few things to my stomach and soon two fast heartbeats fill the silent room. My eyes water and i sniffle.

"It never gets old." I smile and look at Ret who nods in agreement. He grabs my hand and i look at the screen when i feel a fluttering in my stomach.

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