Black Moon

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A/N: So i apologize for all the POV changes lol

<--- pissed off Ret in wolf form

Ret P.O.V

Waking up next to my mate this morning was amazing. Seeing him snuggled into my chest, feeling his warmth, by far the best feeling I have ever felt. Especially seeing my mark on his pale, naked shoulder. I smile thinking of the thought. Currently Skye is in my lap, his face buried in my neck. He had fallen asleep a while ago, his warm breath fanning across my flesh. I tighten my arms slightly around him, bringing him closer.


"Ours Ryder" I hear him huff.

"Ours." I smile and look at Skye's sleeping form. Meeting him was perfect, He's perfect. My perfect little mate. Everything about him is perfect. His smiles, his pouts, hell even his glare is perfect, his laugh which sounds like a small chime to my ears and instantly calms me, his nose, his lips, eyes, hair, body, voice. Everything, it's all perfect. I couldn't ask for a better mate. I don't care if he's male, screw what everyone else thinks.

"You're thinking too hard." I blink out of my thoughts and look into Skye's beautiful purple eyes. I smile and chuckle, kissing his mark making him shiver.

"Perfect." I mumble. Skye hums and his arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer.

"No, you're perfect." I chuckle and pull back to pepper kisses all over his face. I kiss his nose and smile at him. He smiles back, his perfect lips pulling up to show perfect white teeth. I lean forward and rest my forehead on his and stare into his eyes.

"I love you." I watch amused as his face flushes a dark pink. I see his eyes twinkle with happiness and a wide smile appears on his face.

"I love you too." Those words cause my heart to flutter and warmth to spread throughout my body. I tilt my head a little and capture his lips in an innocent kiss. I pull back and he giggles. I tilt my head and smile.

A few hours later we are outside in the backyard watching some of the pups play. Skye watches them, a smile on his face and a distant look in his eyes. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into my lap on a chair.

"What are you thinking about love?" he hums slightly before answering.

"I wonder what our pups would look like if I could have them." I smile and hum.

"They would be beautiful." I see his smile widen as he leans into me.

"I wish I could have kids." I tilt my head and smirk.

"All mates of a werewolf, even males, are able to bear children love." I see or more like feel him stiffen before he looks at me wide-eyed

"Wait, really?" I smile and nod and he pales causing me to frown worriedly.

"What's wrong love?" He looks up at me, Violet eyes shining with fear and worry.

"So I could be pregnant? I mean we had unprotected sex." I blush and stare at him wide-eyed. He has a point. Suddenly an image of Skye, round with my pups pops up in my mind and I smile lightly.

"Maybe, we can check." I see him nod and he stands. I grab his hand and walk into the living room, seeing my mother and father cuddling on the couch. I tap her shoulder and she looks at me.

"Uhh, mom can I talk to you?" she looks at me confused before nodding and following us to my apartment. When I close the door I rub the back of my neck.

"Um, can I have like two pregnancy tests?" I see her eyes widen before they land on the mark on Skye's shoulder. She scowls at me before smacking the back of my head. I wince and she puts her hands on her hips.

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