Wolf fight

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A/N: Mature content ahead! Also this is an important chapter!

<--- Keith (If you don't like who plays him, i'd like some suggestions!)

Skye POV

"Ret you need to calm down."

"Calm down?! They nearly killed my mate! They need to fucking die!"

"Ret, we need to worry about Sky right now, not those assholes. Trust me we will get them back but right now, Skye needs all of our attention." I hear a sigh and heavy breathing.

"They deserve to fucking die."

I groan and start coughing.

"Skye?" My eyes open painfully slow. My vision is blurry and I blink a few time before it clears slightly.

"Ashur?" I croak, my voice cracking.

"I'm here Skye. I look up and see a shadow figure. I squint until I realize its Ash. Suddenly Ret is on my other side, his orange eyes filled with worry.

"W-where am I?" I ask before having a coughing fit. When I'm done Ret answers.

"My house." I freeze. Ret's house? I'm at Ret's house? Oh my god! Oh my God!

"Alph- I-I mean, Ret how is he doing?" I look towards the door to see a petite woman. Her wavy brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and her wide green eyes holding worry.

"He's okay, I think." Ret answers still looking at me. I shrug and painfully sit up with a wince. I lift my shirt and wince again. My stomach has cuts scattered across the flesh, not only that but big purple and black bruises litter it as well. Shit. I go to speak but it turns into a coughing fit. My throat is on fire.

Ash hands me a glass with water and I nod my thanks. I gulp it down, the water extinguishing most of the flams that were raging in my throat. I clear my throat.

"What happened?" I croak, my voice shaky. Ashur shakes his head and leaves the room. He was shaking so he probably went to cool off.

"Keith almost killed you! When we got outside he had you pinned to the brick wall by your throat. You weren't even struggling. When he dropped you, your windpipe was so crushed you couldn't breathe. You had to have oxygen pumped into you. You've been unconscious for a little over twenty-four hours." Ret said angrily. My eyes widened and I breathed in deeply. Keith almost killed me? I closed my eyes and shivered. Geez, I need to be more careful around him then. My eyes snapped open when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at Ret, confused.

"I should rip his throat out." He growled. My eyes widen when his eyes meet mine. Instead of being orange like they normally are, they're blue. Like the wolf's eyes and the man's eyes. A deep blue, almost indigo. He stares at me, an emotion I can't seem to be able to read, swimming in his eyes. His eyes trail down to where my neck meets my shoulder and his pupils dilate. He licks his lips and I shiver at the intenseness of his gaze. He moves forward and my breath hitches when his face is so close that I feel his hot breath on my skin.

My eyes squeeze shut and I pant when I feel his tongue slide across the flesh of my exposed skin. He makes a rumbling sound in his throat causing a shiver to rack my body. His teeth run gently up my neck before he takes my earlobe into his mouth, suckling lightly. Is this a dream? Oh shit I hope it never ends!

In one swift movement, Ret is hovering above me, indigo eyes staring at me with lust. He lurches forward and captures my lips in an intense kiss. At first I'm too shocked to kiss back, but when a growl rumbles his chest I do. His tongue runs across my bottom lip and I quickly open for him. His tongue slips in and rubs against mine, causing a moan to escape my throat. His hand travels down my chest before he grips me. I arch into him when he starts palming me.

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