Carnival of Chaos

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Helga has called us to lunch but our plates have one bread thing. We have run out food again. "What are you waiting for dig in" Helga stated

"Dig in to what?" Ed asked. "I need a smaller fork" Zander said. "I need a smaller appetite" Ursula said. "Belive me this is best I could do working on the budged" Helga said. "You shoul thank, doctor to not bringing any money" Helga said glaring at uncle who gulped . "I have lot of expensive" he said turning away . "When we have more cash, you have to grow your own plants" Helga said givin a shovel and plan seeds to trio.

"And you two study hard that you don't turn in to those" she stated to Rod and Laura. "Right" they said and ate their plates. I ate my and Seth did too. We three looked at uncle who then ate fast his own. I raise up and start to walk at doors. "Where are you going young lady?" Helga asked. I turned and "I need to speak with dinosaurs they haven't eaten in days, so I try to calm them down before they eat us" I said. "Then you may go" she said then I walked from the room

Dc Z.pov
Well that's not good if dinosaurs doesn't eat now even (Y/n) cannot keep them calm. I walked to Alpha gang were they planted new seeds.

"What are we talking about we are going to be starved before they have grow" Ursula yelled. "Dinosaurs on this will eat us, before that happen" I said. "Are they starving too?" Ursula asked. "It's hard to feed island full of carnivores, they eat more than Ed they have been days without food" I explained. Three of them looked panicked when I explained. "Even (Y/n) cannot keep them calm forever " I said.

Oh ouh "then what are we going to do?" I asked yelling almost.

"How long she can keep them calm doctor?" I asked. "Not long, dinosaurs maybe doesn't eat her because she can talk to them and they like her more than us but we are going to be lunch to them" Dc Z explained. I then began to panick and think what are we going to do?

"This isn't good I don't want to be eaten by Zirra" I said panicked as I imagine that white scary beast staring at me with it's red eyes

"There is still a chance but we must act quickly" I said. "Seth, Do you have idea?" Doctor asked. "Indeed, why won't we put dinosaurs work instead humans" I suggest. "Excuse me", "Dinosaurs","work instead","of us","of course" they all said. Good they all agreeds with me, dinosaurs could go to that amusement park and we can have enough money to buy food.

(Time skip)

Third's pov

Dino gang and Max's dad decided to go amusement park that now its opened as Dinosaur land. Max's dad Spike has forgot that today was their wedding anniversary and the gang brought him there to remind him.

Max's dad then got excited about roller coaster and ran off Max and Zoe following behind. Rex stayed behind with Max's mom because he didn't like fast rides, they walked around the park untill they came across (H/c) haired girl talking to dinosaur.

I don't like to go fast rides so I stayed behind whit Max's mom. I saw a (H/c) haired girl talking to dinosaur and the dinosaur responded with roar do they understand each others wierd. Then she walked with little white dinosaur in its tiny form wait that's real dinosaur I realized now. Then I saw oddly familiar island.

In zeta point
Dc Z. pov
"I suspect Seth came up with briliant idea to use our own dinosaurs to turn amusement park into Dino land" I said. " so how much move we have made this far?" Ursula asked exited. "I don't know, oh yeah Helga took all the money and went to groceries shopping" Ed said.

"I can already taste the beaf or a omelet or even tasty sushi" Ursula said thinking about food then my niece's picture came "uncle Z, we have a problem" she said. "What is it (Y/n) ?" I asked. "Dinosaurs are too hungry, because they haven't eaten days their behavior is wild and they are becoming aggressive , I can't keep them calm any longer" she said. "She is right doctor their glucose level is dangerously low that makes then go wild and confused" Seth said. I looked at Seth. "Doctor, because dinosaurs haven't in days that make our alpha controllers least effective, we have to feed them now or they will go wild" He explained.

"Hmmm, we have to some how hold them when Helga gets back with dino kibbo" I said "you three go there and find a way to keep them happy until then" I ordered the that troublesome trio. "(Y/n) you have done enough get back here" I said. "Right" she said and her picture disappeared. "How are we suppose to do that, only (Y/n) can talk to them" Ursula said. "My niece have done already much more than you three, now get over there now!!" I yelled.

"Well its look like, our job is done I hope dinosaurs can wait for Helga's return" I said worried. "Well she have to come fast we are hungry" Zirra whined angrily . "I'm too, Zirra" I said back. "Excuse me" voice said. I turned to look at some lady. She looked kind of nice lady. "Are you some kind of a dinosaur whisperer I heard you talking to dinosaur and your cute dog in dinosaur costume?" she asked, dinosaur costumr" something like that" I responded little confused.

Then little dinosaur came that looked like Carnosaurus. "Hello i'm Ace" he said. "Well hello i'm (Y/n) and this is Zirra, nice to meet you Ace" I said. "How did you know his name" lady asked. "Uhmm ..lucky guess" I said laughing embarrassed, hope I don't be too suspicious. "Ace?" Some blonde boy called, oh no thats onr of the D-team now I need to go .
"Well I need to go" I said.

Max's mother went to talk that girl then suddenly Ace run to her greeted her with few raw. "Well hello i'm (Y/n) and this is Zirra, nice to meet you Ace" she said. How dis she know Ace's name,She had that White little dinosaur that looked like a Terry in little form but kind like raptor too. "Ace" I called and run to him. "Well I need to go" girl said and left, who was that?

(Y/n). Pov
That boy's necklace looked familiar somewhere but where. I and Zirra went to place where no one could see us. I took silver dino card and summoned secret dinosaur Pterodactyl. His wing's shined rainbow colors and he was really big. "Hello Ptero could you give us a ride back to Zeta point?" I asked.

"Of course, hop on you two" he said. We hop on his back and he flies stealthy that humans don't notice us

We landed on the beach and there was Laura and Rod waiting. "Thank you Ptero" I thanked then he turned back to card. "(Y/n) can you help us with homeworks" Laura asked. "Of course" I said and go with them.

Rod .pov
Few hour later. "I'm too hungry to do any homeworks any more" Laura said. "Yeah now i'm only thinking about food" I said. Zirra let out few raws to (Y/n) "Yeah i'm too" she said.

"What did she said?" I asked curiously because I don't understand dinosaurs language. "She said I'm so hungry I could eat Ed" she said making us laugh. Then we heard dinosaurs roaring from the window. We went to look at the park seeing Supersaurus roaming free.

"Oh no, that's not good" (Y/n) said "I need to go ask uncle Z are the dinosaurs controllers out" she said and left. "Hmm I wonder whats going on there" I said. "Too bad we didn't get there I like amusement parks " Laura said. "Helga isn't here so who is stopping us" I said.

Me and Laura sneaked in to lab so grandpa, Seth and (Y/n) didn't see us and took alpha scanners. "Grandpa we go out to play" I shouted. "Good for you" he said then we go to amusement park.

Third's pov

Alpha gang failed again fighting against Dino team when Laura and Rod gave Alpha scanners to them because they didn't wanted Helga to see them when she returned. Island was moving away from the land leaving the trio.

Ed. Pov
"Aaaah, why Zeta point is leaving with out us" Zander said panicked. "Go after it Ed" Ursula stated. "How you know I can't swim" I said. "Look there is a rocket over there" Zander said pointing at firework.

"Good we can fly back to island with that" Ursula said hopping on a firework. "Guys could you read the sighon it" I warned. "Who cares hurry up" Ursula said angrily. "This is gonna hurt" I said holding thigh of it. "Warning.... highly.. explode... fireworks" Ursula said reading it then the firework exploded.

"I told you but you never listen to me!!!" I shouted. "Because you never said something listen to!!" They shouted back at me. We screamed when we were falling ground was closing ouh this will hurt. I put my hands covering my face closing my eyes.

But something catch us quickly. I opened my eyes and I saw (Y/n)'s Pterodactyl carrying us. It put us gently to ground "thank you Ptero" (Y/n) thanked then Ptero shrieked and turned into card. She came to us and asked "are you okay?" She asked. "We are, thanks to you" I said. "You really need to stop getting in to trouble all the time" she said. "Well atleast there was always someone who saved us" I said jokingly.

She then giggled and left. She is sometimes our hero when we get into trouble.

Dinosaur whisperer (On Break)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora