Falls alarms

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"Aaahh, don't you think this is relaxing, now need to worry about gang failing all the time and uncle's health from all his yelling and being an old grandpa he is, just relaxing on a boat and look at the wonders of Niagara Falls?" I asked as I enjoyed the peaceful sounds of waterfalls. "Neh, I guess it's neat," Zirra answered shrugging her shoulders. Peaceful silence came until it was tampered by the familiar voice of Ursula.
"Have a nice pleasure cruise while we grab the dinosaur card from under your snotty little noses"

Who was she speaking to?

They then sailed on a piece of a torpedo too close to the falls. They disappeared in the water mist then I heard their screaming.

"I wonder If we are near the dinosaur around here if Ursula and boys are here?"

A huge blast of water flew in the air and fell down on us. A huge crocodile-like that reminded a bit spiny dinosaur roared and attacked the boat's huge decorate fish, biting on it.

"You know I kinda want a vacation with no Baryonixes coming out of the water and try eating fake fishes," I said with a deadpan expression. We were soaked after that burst from water.

" Agreed"

(hours before)

"Eh, I want to go on a vacation," I said laying on the sofa like a dead cat. "Why?" Zirra asked laying beside me "Because I need to get away from this place and uncle's shenanigans, " I answered. "That sounds like a plan, a really good plan that even I can agree on, " Zirra commented.

Suddenly, my dinosaurs holder alerted us, making me raise it up and look at what was it. It was a dinosaur detection signal between Canada and the United States, near the Niagara falls. This gave me an idea that can help both of us.

When was the last time I have seen Niagara falls?

"Alright, Let's go," I said getting up "Are you serious right now, you're gonna really go to get the dinosaur?" Zirra said not really wanting to go. "Zirra, If we go solo on this mission, we can get some time off in Niagara falls, so come on, " I explained "Alright, " Zirra said getting lazily off the sofa then walking to me. "Niagara Falls, here we come," I said activating the teleportation. Then we disappeared from my room.

"(Y/n) There's a dinosaur and I want you to go make sure the gang will not screw up again!" Dc. Z  yelled alpha scanner on his hand. He stopped when he didn't see you inside the room you usually were. "Hmm that's strange, oh well" he shrugged his shoulders then disappeared to go order the trio.

(Time skip)

"You know this place isn't bad at all, " I said as we adventured around the city. "It's okay to me but not really in my taste, " Zirra said. I then just saw something beautiful and breathtaking "Oh wow, " I said running toward it. "(Y/n), where are you going?" Zirra yelled behind me.

I stopped at the railing and looked at the beautiful falls. "Seriously, you get excited over some waterfalls, " Zirra said. "Oh please, last time I saw Niagara falls was when I was a kid, " I said back. "What so special about it than that it's beautiful?" Zirra asked. "Well mom said that she fell in love with dad in here, near the Niagara falls, " I said "And my brothers also met their wives and girlfriends here" I added remembering my family

"Wait a moment, wives and girlfriends, how many brothers do you have?" Zirra asked confused, "I have six older brothers and a little sister, " I answered remembering my precious siblings. "What the hell, luckily I didn't grow up with any siblings, " Zirra said, "Because you don't have any siblings, " I said with a smile. This dinosaur is cranky and mean but she can sometimes be quite lovable and friendly, which is actually rare.

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