Wild Adventure Of The Dinos Part 2

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The secret Dinos ran in the mall. They made a turn and went into a clothing store. The D team looked around as they tried to spot them, not knowing the secret Dinos were standing still behind a class wearing some clothes and jewels. The D team then walked away from the store then the secret Dinos took off the clothes and jewels and ran off from the store. They ran in a big hall where people looked at them weirdly as they saw them. The Dinos took a breath and drank from a water place near them. "There they catch them!" They heard a familiar face of an old lady. "Oh come on!" Zirra yelled annoyed than the Dinos ran into a different direction but then they see the D team coming toward them. Zirra hopped on a table then grabbed a glass with her jaws then smashed it on the ground.

"Scatter!" She yelled.

The five dinos then scattered in different directions confusing the D team and the alpha gang. Zirra ran away with Ptero flying behind her. Zino ran somewhere alone and a bit panicked. Pachy tried to be careful and not to hit some people with her head. Mega just rammed through the crowd making people yell and fall on the floor.

I walked along the shore with Stecocera walking beside me. He has complained, criticized and judged many things now, and nothing seems to please his eyes. I don't know will I ever survive his picky and prideful attitude. I was carrying ice cream for the Dinos with flavors each of them liked. Zirra likes bitter ones, Zeno, Pachy and the triplets liking the sweet ones and Ptero, Mosa and Mega liking classic vanilla. Quite funny how Mega likes vanilla when he's very violent type. Stecocera didn't want anything since ice cream was too cold and weird for his taste.

I finally arrived at our beach place. "I'm here time for a delicious ice cream treat, huh?" I stopped as I saw half of my Dinos gone. I looked at the triplets and Mosa. "Uhm where are the others?" I asked. "Pachy and Mega had a fight and ran off, Zirra took Ptero and Zino with her to get them back" Mosa explained. "How long have they been gone?" I asked worry starting to build up in me. "Only 10 minutes, that's not too long is it?" Dino asked tilting his head. "No it's not, Let then wait for them for a while if they don't come back we will go look for them," I said sitting down handing the ice creams to the triplets and Mosa. "Hurrays chocolate, you remembered," The triplets said in unison making me crack a smile. "Of course I did," I said then looked at the way to the city. "I hope they come back soon or their ice screams will melt" I stated.

Zirra walked slowly breathing hard. She was maybe a hybrid but even she couldn't run all day. Ptero landed on a fake plant then looked at Zirra. "What will we do now?" He asked. Zirra took a breath then looked at Ptero in the eyes. "First we need to get rid of those pests that are chacing us then we need to find others then go back to the beach," Zirra explained then started walking. "But what if we can't take on them?" Ptero asked flying in front of her. "We are secret dinosaurs we are much stronger than regular Dinosaurs and we can come up with something," Zirra answered then they walked through the mall hall.

Zino looked around the corner of the box to see if the alpha gang or the d team were behind him. Luckily they weren't but now he was all alone. Without being in his true form, he was pretty helpless. He went back behind the box then looked at a huge bunny toy that stared right back at him. The stare was making him shake from fear, he then looked around his surroundings. Weird big unmoving furry animals with huge lifeless eyes were everywhere. Where are you when he needs you the most? The toy store is too scary for him.

Mega munched on the food that was right in front of him. All the meaty stuff of course. He raised his head and looked at the people that were looking at him with fear and saying something he couldn't really understand. All he heard was "Human human human human human" then few "Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!". Humans weird to Mega, why so shocked seeing a Dinosaurs eating meat. Wasn't this subway place supposed to offer free food to the people who were hungry? A human then came at him with a plastic platter. Mega dodged then bit on the platter shattering it with his teeth. The human looked him scared then ran off screaming. Mega then chomped on a bacon which tasted sweet in his mouth ignoring the chaos he caused around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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