Happy Dino Christmas

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( this isnt part of the previous chapter but today is christmas so i jump into episode 45. Christmas is a special day that you spent time with family, receive and give gifts, eat delicius food and do something fun. So I thought writing this chapter felt right than later. Hope you enjoy this chapter and remember be good and spent time with those you love because they are always unreplaceable. And Merry christmas to you all!!)


It was 24th december that means it was time for christmas. You liked christmas very much because it reminded how much time you spent with your family but it also made you miss your parents and siblings very much. You went with uncle and others in time travel Journey and was supposed to return soon but something went wrong so you and others were stuck in this time. You were now walking in the hall looking for your two little cousins.

(Y/n) 'pov

I walked in the halls to room where i know Rod and Laura would be. I wonder if they are watching those videos of their parents. "hey (Y/n)?" Zirra asked "What is it?" i asked looking at her "why do you look so down?" she asked "what do you mean? I asked confused a bit." Your face tells me you are sad about something, so what is it? "she answered. Did i look sad when i was thinking, well im been thinking today lot about my family. It was christmas so i have been thinking about my dad and mom and even my annoying siblings. My dad is really kind and he always knew how to lighten the mood, my mom is actually my uncle's younger sister, age difference 15 year. Kind a crazy thing and they looked little bit different mom was little bit taller than uncle but only reached normal adult's waist, she has blonde hair and blue eyes and she liked to wear old fashion style. Only similar thing they shared was the nose and it was pretty funny thing when she and uncle bickered. You could think how the hell are we related because i dont look anything like her but we sometimes shared same personalities. She was sometimes bossy but loved me and my siblings much. I have many brothers and one sister. They were super annoying but now for not seeing them long time it made me to miss them because how far in the future they are. I then yelped because i felt something bite my leg.

I looked at the white dinosaur "what in the world was that for?" i asked rubbing my leg, even thought i have boots, Zirra's teeth always managed to go deep. "You didnt hear me when i called your name like several times" she said. "You looked like a ghost for a minute" she said. "sorry Zirra, i just miss my family its been quite long time sense i have seen them and im pretty sure my cousins miss their parents because they always had christmas together" i explained "then why don't you give them a present that reminds them about their parents" she sugested then i got a idea. "the old transmision phone" i almost shouted "the what?" Zirra asked confused. "My mom gave us a transmision phones to communicate through time but they somehow got broken if i can fix them with right tools and pieces i can make them work again then Rod and Laura can talk to them" i explained.

"i remember how it was build so in this time there should be right pieces i can use to fix them" i said then suddenly Helga burst through the wall. "what are you doing here, arent you supposed to do homework?" she said in commanding tune. "arent You supposed to be cleaning that mess?" i asked pointin the huge mess she caused "oh what a mess" she said then went to clean it only to past them and bursting through a other wall. "and remind me to buy some parts for Helga" i said then took my dinoholder. I first transmissioned to uncle, his face shoved to screen "uncle Z im going to some shopping for mechanical parts so im going to be off for while" i said "okey but come back before nigthfall" he said making me roll my eyes "sure" i said then ended the call. I then looked Zirra "lets then go" i said then teleported us in the city.

(in the city)

We were in the city center and the place was awesome. City was literally decorated with Santa clauses, lights and there was really big christmas tree. "this city looks wierd?" Zirra said "this is what its supposed to look in christmas?" i said "it doens't need so much light what if electricity suddenly go out because how much it was used? " she asked as we walked i giggled a bit.

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