Doupts And Loyalty

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I walked in the hallway toward the laboratory. The gang was in India to investigate the dinosaur signal. I stayed this time because there are questions I need the answers to. I was gonna ask uncle about the hybrid dinosaurs and the accident. I talked to Stecoceratops about it and the conversation with him left me with questions only uncle can answer to. I'm gonna call him Stecocera for short. He told me that he didn't clearly know how he got in the temple and what happened, but he knew about the accident and what happened to the other hybrids. All the hybrids have a special ability to communicate with each other in card forms. They couldn't see what was happening but they felt and heard what was going on. Stecocera said that he and others heard talking than an explosion. The last thing he knew that they were sucked in the time speed dimension. He lost the connection with other hybrids and landed on this timeline. His egg capsule during the time materialized into a crystal and was sleep until we released him. His memory became fuzzy and needed to think hard to remember anything. The shocking thing was that he somehow knew us. He knew me and about my ability and about Zirra. He was even confused as us because he didn't seem to know us and we him. This made me question about the accident. I swear that I had no other hybrids than Zirra but deep in my mind there was another and what Stecocera told me made me think. That maybe uncle wasn't truly honest about the accident when we landed on this timeline.

I stood in front of the automatic doors and waited for them to open. They then opened and what I saw made me look dumbfounded. "Yes, this will go here and this here" Uncle was sorting toy house things on a map and talking to himself. "Yes, my dinosaur kingdom will look perfect and I will be respected and feared dinosaur king." He laughed weirdly. I looked at Zirra who looked back at me. "I think he's going crazy, playing with toy houses on a three-year-old hand-drawn map" she stated. "I don't think there's a difference between usual uncle and the dinosaur obsessed uncle," I said pinching the bridge of my nose. I cleared my throat to catch his attention but he didn't hear me and continued on his weird chant. "I'm the king of dinosaur, I will crush you under my feet, I will sit on my throne and laugh at your fa-", "Uncle!" I yelled his ignorance getting on my nerves. He yelled from startle and spun around. "(Y/n)! I was just planning on tactics" He explained awkwardly changing his gaze between me and his so-called plan tactic. I sighed "Now I'm actually starting to wonder how I'm related to you, no matter I need to ask you something" I looked at him with a serious expression.

"Well, what is it, my niece?" Uncle asked curious. "Do you have any idea what might possibly happen to the other hybrid dinosaurs?" I asked. "Well, they disappeared in the accident into the time speed dimension. They were the first things to be lost into the time and possibly destroyed because of the explosion that happened." He explained. "Well one of them didn't," I said showing him the Stecocera's card. His posture widened and he seemed shocked. "We talked and he revealed something that gives me questions." I stated "The cards didn't get destroyed but did get lost. This hybrid also revealed that the other four hybrids are in this timeline only hidden." I added.

"Well, this is great news, now that we know they survived and are in this timeline. You can focus on finding them then we will manage to collect the dinosaur cards those brats stole from us and go back to the future." Uncle explained excitedly walking toward us. "That's not all I heard. " I said stopping him in his tracks. "He also told me about the accident and what he knew" I stated. "What are you talking about, you know what happened, how can that dinosaur know any better or did it tell you something that makes you believe that I'm a liar?" Uncle asked. "Uncle, the dinosaurs aren't mindless creatures, the hybrids are most intelligent and can survive the hardest conditions, they can feel and hear what happens outside their cards thanks to the element stone," I explained. "What did the dinosaur then said if you doubt me so much?" Uncle asked his hand behind his back. "He told me that he heard speaking and explosion" I answered. I saw his shoulder stiffens.

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