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Okay that sounds weird but I'm weird and probably crazy I can't help it. Another part of the last chapter and probably short and has mistakes enjoy.

(i call Toro saurus, Toro for short "

Torosaurus and Chomp were drinking from a lake peacefully until Terry roared from behind. Torosaurus stood protectly in front of Chomp. "hahaha finally we got you" Ursula laughed "and there the brat's dino too" Ed said "a special catch where you get one free" Zander said "an Alpha gang discount" Ed added. "yes this will be the big one I make poacher all frame for sure hehehehe" Ungaro said in his imagination. "let's go Terry knock him back to card before those pests shows up then ruin it " Ursula stated as Terry roared

"what could have made that roar? "Mary asked as she and D team were driving" never heard of tyrannosaurus? "Max asked" don't tell me "Mary said" we got to hurry and get there,"Max said "Okey " Mary said then speed up.

Terry and Torosaurus pushed each other's with force Chomp watching "Chomp" Max said then suddenly fell of vehicle from sudden stop "Paris is our turn" Zoe said then activated Pari's card.

"bring spiny out now to take care of this one" Ursula stated "coming right up" Zander said then activated Spinosaurus card. Area then chanced into large grassy field with waterfall "oh man I wish I could bring out Chomp" Max said wanting to fight.
"I really can't believe what I'm seeing" Mary said Spiny then tables Paris then began to fight Toro and Terry doing the same. Max tries to open his dino holder "come on open up" he says then dramatically fell on his but. Paris smacked with her tail throwing Spiny in the lake. Terry charged at Paris but then Toro pushed him Terry then bit Toro then did a spin and threw Toro in air. Chomp flew away from the impact "all right your all my, little fella" Ungaro said ready to catch him "oh no" Max said worried. Mary then saved Chomp using her lasso makin Ungaro faceflat on ground

Max catched Chomp in his arms "you okay Chomp? " he asked then suddenly orange dino jumped of then went to Max's dino holder and used his little horn to open it. "woo what an great idea, oh yeah we re back in business" Max said "dino slash" he said then activated Chomps's true form.

Terry bit Toro's neck many times until Chomp came then tackled him away. Ungaro looked the scene not noticing Mary throwing the lasso over Ungaro capturing him "it's all over Ungaro" she said "okay I give up" he said. "what's going on" you then appeared out of no where behind the Alpha gang making the them  jump starled. "where did you came from (Y/n)" Ursula asked.

Paris dodged Spines attempt to bite then tackled him. Zoe then brought up one of the attack cards "Metal wing" she activated three Pteranodons fly up "Aaaah Spiny watch out" Zander shouted. Spiny got hit three times from Pteranodons wings then turned back to card "not fair, I hate that attack" Zander whined walking to get Spiny's card.

"Quick bring out Indominus (Y/n) or we lose- huh? "Ursula then looked at Zirra who laid on the ground tired and out of breath." Yeah she is not going to do anything for a while" you said.

Toro standed his ground after enduring Terry's attacks. "I can't belive that Toro saurus has so much energy after all those attacks, so finish him of one last time Terry" Ursula said Terry roared then charged at the two dinosaurs they dodged him, Terry turned then attacked Chomp only to him being thrown away by Chomp. Terry fell on ground far away vulnerable. "alright Lighting Strike" Max activated his attack card. Chomp charged up in electricity Toro doing the same. "wait both of you'Ursula said shocked two dinosaurs then united their powers then blasted with huge golden orange lighting blast at Terry who then landed on the ground hard turning into card." way to go Chonp" Max cheered Toro saurus then fell down from exhausted then turned into card, area then turned back to normal"that was totally cheating you can't use two dinosaurs using same attack once" Ursula said angrily. "that's called Teamwork Ursula" You said holding Zirra.
Ursula growled angrily "what do you blackheads think of that?" she asked Zander and Ed "Well Spiny got turned back into card and it's too slow to think something like that" Zander said, Ursula then grapped him and began to shake him "I'm tired of all your excuses we were just about to score victory and instead of that we got nothing" she said. You  then heard animal signal sound then earthquake "why do I hear freight train coming? " Ursula asked as they looked bushes then whole bunch animals came charging at the gang except you. On the way you found those animals in cages and released them so they didn't attack you of course.

"Paris you called them didn't you?" Zoe asked then laughed as Paris smiled cheeky. Gang ran around screaming as Uncago also tied up moved fast like worm in front "leave me alone,I'm sorry I poached you" Ungaro begged then gang and animals ran over him leaving him with teared clothes and footmarks "mom was right I should have become a plummer" he said. "Zander use what little brain you have to get us out of this mess" Ursula stated almost out of breath "why can't every one think something for a change" Zander said "I'd say we keep up running then we will be okay" Ed said, they didn't noticed they ran over the edge running on a air. Animals stopped then the gang realized the screamed falling in a river.

After they fell of clifft you turned to D team "well this was interesting did something else happened when we were lost? " you asked "wait you were here all along" Max asked "well yeah we been walking in hot Savannah for hours, finding animals in cages and releasing them and hearing Zirra's complaining" you said until a lion came and licked you suddenly "easy boy" you said petting it "get our of there that's dangerous" Mary said "it's okay he just thanked for releasing him" you explained making her look confused at you "thanked" she questioned "well we get going bye" you said then teleported with sleeping Zirra. Mary turned to kid "who was that, wasn't she with those three people and what did she meant thanked?" she asked many questions "well she is the nice one in alpha gang and can talk to animals" Max said "no way is that even possible" Mary said "we don't know either she is mysterious one" Rex said.


Sorry for not any fighting with Zirra but I'm tired because it's late and I'm bad describing battles sorry and bye.

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