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[Taehyung POV]

"Chloe!" Her limp body fell to the ground as one of her gang members shot Mason who was escaping.

Her head was bleeding, blood was flowing out like a waterfall. Gunshots and shouts was all I hear as I shoke Chloe, hoping that she will open her eyes and look at me.

"Hyung!" Jungkook rush over to me.

"How's Chloe?" Minyoung ask, crying. Jimin hyung was by her side, supporting most of her weight.

"She's still in there, do you think she will survive?" I asked, mumbling.

"If she doesn't survive, it's all your fault, Cax!" Soul suddenly shouted.

"It wasn't her fault that Rick fell for her, it wasn't her fault that Rick is dead! Why did you do this to her, she's your friend!" Soul held Cax by her shirt collar while LD and Dex tried to stop her.

"It's all your fault that my best friend is fighting for her life now, it's been 2 hours!" Soul scream at Cax with a teary face.

"Why did you tell Mason, why do you want to make her life miserable?!" Soul cried.

"I wouldn't have done that if Rick didn't fell for her, I wouldn't have done if she didn't suddenly come into our life and stole Rick away from me! I wouldn't have done that if she didn't come between me and Rick!" Cax shouted back.

"She always thought of you as a friend, treated you like one. She has never treated you unfairly and she even blames herself for Rick's death when it was you who killed him!" Soul took her gun out at pointed it directly at Cax, everyone froze as Soul pull the trigger. Luckily, there wasn't any bullets inside.

"Count yourself lucky this time but if my best friend doesn't make it out, you'll be attending your own funeral" Soul hiss and threw the gun and walks away. LD then picks up the gun and runs after her.

"I'm sorry" Cax mumbled to the guys before walking into the opposite direction.

A beautiful friendship broke up because of a guy.

Right after Cax walks off, the doctor walks out of the Emergency room.

"Family of the patient?" the doctor ask.

"I'm her boyfriend" I swiftly walk towards the doctor.

"She hit her head which might cause a concussion and we still don't know when she will wake up. If she doesn't wake up within 3 days, she might stay in coma forever" That cause Taehyung to stumble backwards.

"We should have found her earlier!" Dex roared as he punched the nearby wall.

"Can we see her now?" Minyoung asks.


"Your turn, she probably wants to hear your voice" Minyoung said, bursting into tears agin which cause Jimin to rush to her side again.

"Chloe, you have been sleeping a lot huh? It's time to wake up, darling..." Taehyung said as he held her cold hands in his warm hands to warm it up. His eyes widen as he saw her eyes twitch.

"Chloe, darling? Can you please open your eyes?" Taehyung whispered. At the same time, her eyes fluttered open.

"Who are you?" she ask, making Taehyung stumble backward in shock.

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