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❤️Author's POV❤️

1 week later....

"Where are we going?" Chloe ask for the second time that day, trying to get a answer out of Taehyung.

"Oppa~" she pouted but all she got was silence. She puff her cheeks and threw herself back into her seat, crossing her arms. Nothing was working, is this guy immune to girls acting cute? Not even a single sound from him since they left her house, it's has been 20 minutes.

"Who does he think he is?" Chloe muttered under her breath, not caring whether he heard her or not.

"Your boyfriend" Came the reply.

'So he finally decides to reply? Two can play this game' She was internally smirking at her plan.

"Why so quiet now? Chloe?" Taehyung turn his head from the road to her, watching her as she turns to face the road outside.

"Are you mad?" Taehyung tried to reach for her hand but she had already place her left hand on her right side where he can't reach.

"Chloe~" he whistled, trying to get her attention. 'This girl is really playing hard to get' He internally cursed.

"Chloe, babe...." He tried again but nonetheless failed.

"First of all, don't babe me and second where the hell are we......" she trailed off, her eyes sparkling as the car stop in front of an amusement park.

"Am I forgiven?" he grinned.

"Totally!" She had always like amusement park since she was young but she never really had a chance to come since she always had something on.

"Come on!" Chloe stole a ticket from Taehyung and ran for the entrance.

Aish this girl.... Taehyung internally groan while chasing after her.

"Let's go for that!" Taehyung gulp as he stare at the ride that she had pointed out on the map. Maybe this was a bad idea...Taehyung thought, biting his bottom lips.


After sitting on T- express, Taehyung's face has turn white like paper while Chloe look perfectly fine like nothing just happened.

"Oppa, are you okay? I'm so sorry..." she took a step back when she saw that Taehyung was about to vomit.

"Here" she pass him a bottle of water, hoping to calm his nerve.

"How about we go look at animals instead?" she suggested.

That was how they ended up on a bus, to look at some bears, lions and tigers. Chloe was having a great time laughing as Taehyung imitated like a cub, snuggling against her as she was the mother.

His hair was just itchy against her side, she just couldn't stop. Even some of the kids on the bus was laughing at those two but yet, those two look like they're in their own world.

"Oppa, stop it!" She tried pushing his head away from her side but he just won't budge, instead he placed his head on her lap, his hair tickling her lap and making her giggle even louder than before.

"Mama" he said, acting cute while sticking his tongue out to lick Chloe.

"Bears don't talk!" Chloe retorted while using her hands to block his mouth from coming near her.

"Oppa!" she shriek when he licks her hands, wiping her hand on his shirt while he laugh.


"Let's buy that!" Taehyung pulled her into a stall when he saw some cute matching headbands.

"Yeppeo" He mumbled as he helps her put on her headband and kiss her forehead, making her heart flutter once again.

Afterwards, they went on to sit on a few more kiddies rides and took some photos before going home.

"Oppa, I'm hungry" Don't pout, you'll make me want to kiss your lips Taehyung wanted to tell her but instead he replied with...

"I'm hungry too but for a different reason" his smirk makes her suck her lips back in.

"You still own me kisses...." he whispered in her ears, nibbling the side of it. She wasn't ready for this not when she's still trying to remember their memories together but her body says otherwise, it was liking this.

Her mouth let out a soft moan, it sounded so foreign yet familiar. It was as if this had happen before, that was it. A memory struck her, making her take a step back.

"Chloe! Chloe!" Taehyung regretted doing that as soon as he saw her faint infront of him, catching her limp body before it touch the ground.

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