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Happy Birthday to me! Thank you to mileven_haleb and
LuvPandas77. For a happy birthday. I am enjoying my day, and I will enjoy it even more if you guys would kindly hit that star at the bottom of the screen.

Wait. No. That's abuse. Don't hit it. Kindly tap it. 😂

These songs....this is the only time I didn't put TØP 😢. I hope ot would be last.

I love you all. Hope you enjoy the First chapter of the sequel to "The Alpha's Mate"

Here is chapter one of "The Alpha's Love."

Roman's POV

"I want to start over. Take you out on a date?" I asked nervously.

"I would love to." she blushed. I smiled. A fresh start.

"Miss me?" was all I heard before Riley fell into my arms unconscious. I let out a yell as Brian let down the gun.

"You didn't die? Aw, such a shame. Well, might as well join her." Brian smirked as he pointed the gun at me and shot me.

I smirked back at him as he looked at me in shock. "Riley you can get up now."

Riley opened one of her eyes, then sat up next to me. "It worked." she smiled.

"What?! What worked? Tell me!" Brian demanded.

"Alright I'll tell you. I knew Riley was coming here because she just can't resist me." Riley rolled her eyes and punched my arm. "I asked Asher to tell her everything. I knew you would come here to make sure I was dead. So I let you think that you killed her. Bit she's wearing a bullet proof vest with witch's magic on it. And he we are." I explained. Brian looked dumbfounded. Riley took her chance to grab the gun while he was staring into space.

"Bye sugar." Riley said using a valley girl accent. She shot Brian. Just like that. No hesitation.

He got up. He actually got up. "I'll come back. I promise."

He stalked out of the room and I burst out laughing. Riley smiled and placed her head back on my chest. "I missed you."

I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead when I sobered down. "I missed you too princess. So, about that date.."

"What about it?"

"I'll take you out......tommorow."

Riley jerked up. "Tommorow?! Nope. No no nopety nope no. You're still hurt."

"I'll be fine. It doesn't hurt much." I lied. It hurts a lot.

"No, you're not. We will go when you feel better or not at all." Riley said sternly.

"Yes ma'am." I smiled.


I stared at my home with my mate/ girlfriend right beside me. "Welcome home."

"Home is where you are. Where my pack is. You took my heart. That's where it belongs. I belong to you. That's my home." I said truthfully. Riley turned away from me, a blush creeping up her face.

"Stop it." she said playfully.

"I can't. Just like how I can't resist making love to you."

Riley turned toward me with a serious but amused expression. "You know we can't do that for...."

I cut her off. "....a month. I know." I sighed. A whole month without me inside of Riley. It's a challenge.

"You'll survive." Riley said rolling her eyes and walking inside.

"I'm tired." I said like a child.

"Are you just saying that to get me in your pants?" Riley said with her hands crossed across her chest and a raised eyebrow.

"No. I just want to cuddle." I said truthfully.

"Alright, come on." she sighed.

I smiled like a child who just got candy and followed my mate upstairs.


It's short. I know. *uses Brooklyn accent* But I got things to do and places to be.

But I promise the next one will be longer. Love ya!

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