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Riley's POV

I opened my eyes to see Roman sitting on the edge of the bed. I stretched a bit before sitting next to him.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked quietly. His hand was holding up his head as he stared into space.

"Brian." Roman paused before continuing. "What he said back at the hospital. I don't know if I should take what he said seriously or not."

I turned his head and cupped his cheeks. "Don't worry about it. Now he's not here. We can take a break from everything happening. I haven't seen Matt and Noah in a while. Maybe we can visit them today." I suggested.

"Alright. Off to see Natt. Or would you prefer Moah?"

A/N- Hey guys! I DON'T put a/n's in the story, but I have to ask a very important question. Would you prefer NATT or MOAH? I need you to pick. I'll go through everything and choose the one that got more votes. CONTINUING THE STORY NOW MY LOVES.


"Matty!" I exclaimed as I saw Matt.

"Ri Ri!" He shouted. Matt looked tired. He had bags under his eyes and his hair messed up. He examined my face as I took in his appearance. "What's wrong?"

"I should be asking you that question. You look tired."

Matt looked at me with tired eyes. He stepped out of the way so that he could let me in. I walked in and sat on the couch. Matt ran a hand through his hair frustrated as he let out a long sigh. "Noah."

"What about him?" I asked. It had to be something bad if Matt wasn't with him. Matt didn't respond. "What is it? Talk to me Matty."

"H-he's upset with me. I don't know. I was talking to him and he just stared at me. Then he walked away. I still can't find him."

"When did this happen?"

"Two nights ago. Two days after Roman got hurt." Matt closed his eyes and ran a hand over his face. "Will you...."

"I'll help you find Noah. I would ask Roman, but he needs rest. I think maybe I could get Asher, Rebecca, Damion, and Jessica to help."

I walked to Matt and gave him a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder. "Thank you." he muttered.

"What are friends for?"

"Buying food for you, helping you, giving you hugs, being there for you, and letting you sleep. Oh yeah....."

"Alright! I get it. Friends are important." I chuckled.


"You know me so well." I put a hand over my heart. Matt laughed a bit before going to the fridge.

"Don't devour the cake in one bite."

"No promises." I said before digging in.


Brian's POV

"You failed!" his voice boomed. I flinched at his tone of voice. He had never yelled at me before.

"I know. I'm sorry Father. I'll do better." I promised. I can't make him angry.

"You were supposed to kill him. For what he did to your mother. He could have killed her. And he almost succeeded. I had to give her my heart. I am still regaining my strength, so you are the only one who can go. I would have sent your sister, but he shot her!" Father yelled.

"I'll make it right father. He shouldn't have shot her."

"Finally, some sense. When I get all my strength back, I will be able to go with you. I don't have a heart beat anymore, so it should be easy."

"Yes Father."

"You can't go yet. That would be horrible. You just got shot by his Luna. You will have to get to her first. Hurt her like how he hurt your sister."

"Yes Father."

"Go in about a week. That will give you some time to train. I'll help you train, and make sure you do the absolute best."

"Yes Father."

"You can go now. Remember everything son." Father advised me.

"Yes Father. He will pay for physically and emotionally hurting Dani. She didn't deserve that."

Father nodded and dismissed me. I turned around and walked upstairs to my room.

I sat on my bed and looked at the picture of Dani and I. We used to be fine. Everything was fine. Then she came in and ruined it for her. Roman let her. He actually shot her.

"Don't worry Dani. I'll try and bring you back to us. I'll try." I said scanning my eyes over the picture.

I left the picture back on my nightstand and went down to the basement.

I walked into the room Dani was being kept in. She lay on the table, completely still. She can hear me. She just can't do anything.

A coma....

I looked at her one last time before sitting down next to her, thinking of a plan for revenge.

They think she's dead. But she's not.

She's not.

The Alpha's Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora