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Sorry for the long waiting loves. Been a bit busy. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll try to fix any mistakes I may have made.

Enjoy! 😘


Roman's POV

"Where is she!?" I yelled. Riley has been missing for days. Matt went missing around the same time. Noah was here, completely frightened.

"I don't know!" Noah said frantically. "I know that they were looking for me. Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have left."

"You think?" I snapped. Noah looked at me guiltily. Now I feel bad. "Sorry it's just..."

"I get it. I'm frustrated too."

"Well we can't send our packs out there. Whoever took Riley and Matt can track us down. More people will be in danger."

"Maybe we should go ourselves." Noah suggested. I could tell that was the only option we had left.

"It's risky but....I guess we'll have to." I struggled to get the words out of my mouth. Noah nodded glumly. "Let's start looking."

"Meet you back here?" he asked turning around before leaving.

"Yeah." I replied simply. Noah closed the door and I sat down in frustration, thinking of all the torture Riley and Matt could be going through.

"I should have went with her." I muttered under my breath.

"Yeah, that would have made my job a lot easier." A voice said behind me. I turned around, but I didn't see a face. That was only because my vision went black before I could make a move.


Riley's POV

"Leave me Alone! Give me Roman! I need him! Leave me Alone!" I cried.

"Roman won't be able to help you now. He's gone. And he's not coming back. I told you. You guys will all pay. Now the time has come. I'll make it work." Brian sneered.

Tears spilled out of my eyes, thinking of Roman. All the things Brian could have done to him. "Please. Just let me see him." I pleaded.

"It's your choice. Don't worry. You'll be with him soon." Brian smiled. A wicked evil smile.

"I'll find him. When I do, I'll kill you with my bare hands." I said gritting my teeth.

"Whatever you say." Brian said before the whole world collapsed beneath me.


Matt's POV

I listened as best as I could to Riley and Brian's conversation. I was stuck in the other room and chained to the wall.

After a while, I heard the talking stop. I wasn't able to make out anything that they said, so I was a bit worried.

I struggled to get out, but the wolfsbane only hurt me more. I finally gave up for a while, until I heard the door open. The light hurt my eyes, and I looked away.

"Eat up." Brian said. "Father will want to meet you soon. And all the others." Brian said. He left the plate of chicken salad next to my feet.

I kicked it away. He didn't give me something rotten, it must be filled with poison. I let out a string of curses as I sat down. I thought of everything that had happened in these five days.

I heard something opening, but it wasn't the door. It was...the floor? I stood up, trying to see what was happening in the dark room.

Four wolves came out of the ground. I saw two big gray wolves and two more gray wolves that were a bit smaller.

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