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Plz play the song during the chapter. It really goes along with it. |-/

Cancer- Twenty Øne Piløts

Riley's POV

"What happened Riley? These panic attacks, they were gone. What made them come back?" My mother asked. She sat on the other side of the bed in my old room.

"I-I don't know." I lied. I swirled a piece of my hair while I bit my lip.

"Don't lie honey. Come on. What is bothering you?" Mom pushed.

"It's Nothing!" I yelled. Mom slowly and silently got off of my bed. I looked up to see pain etched on her face.

"Okay." was all she whispered when she walked out of the room.

I got off the bed and walked to the corner of my room and sat there. I hugged my knees to my chest and started crying.

That's all I've been doing for days. Crying.

I hate it.

I feel so weak. I feel.....

I don't even know how I feel. Maybe, I don't want to feel. Maybe, I could finish it. I could ended and feel....relief.

I stood up shakily and headed to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. Just how I looked when he did that to me.

When he ruined me.

Tears poured down my face as I reached for the razor in the cabinet.

"I'm so sorry Roman. I have to do it, but I love you. I really do." I choked.

I lifted the razor to my wrist and closed my eyes.

I placed the razor on my wrist and slightly pulled it down. I felt a slight sting and opened my eyes.

Blood poured on my wrist. It was a small cut but it was visible.

Then I heard my boyfriend's voice outside the door. "Riley? Come out. We can go home now."

I quickly washed the razor and cleaned my cut. I put on two bandages on my wrist. I pulled down my sweatshirt and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Baby." Roman said as he hugged me. When we pulled away he cupped his hands on my cheeks. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." I said. Roman's eyes scanned over my face before nodding.

We headed to the car and drove home. The whole time I stared out the window into nothingness.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Roman asked. I looked up and we were parked in front of our home.

"Nothing. Just thinking." I replied.

"About what?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.


Roman scanned my eyes before walking out and slamming the door. He walked inside and I got out of the car following behind him.

"What is your problem?" I snapped.

He turned back to me, his eyes dark with emotions I couldn't figure out.

"My problem? I should be asking you that! These last few days, all you've been doing is avoiding me and everyone else. When we ask you what's wrong, you block us off."

"Maybe I just don't want to tell you anything." I said.

"Why not? Come on. Please Riley. Goddamn it what is bothering you?!" he roared. Roman held my wrists pulling me towards him. I hissed and pushed him away.

I looked up at him and he looked hurt. He stood up slowly and backed up. He looked at me and studied me for a while. "I just don't want to talk now, that's all." I said.

"So you're just going to bottle your feelings inside and keep hurting yourself?"

If only he knew.

I stayed quiet. Roman turned around so his back was facing me and ran a hand through his hair. When he turned back around, his brown eyes were no longer sparkling. They were dull.

Just like when I met him.

I stood up, looking like nothing next to his 6'3 figure. "I can't."

"Neither can I." was all he said as he left the house. I heard the car start as the love of my life drove away.


Roman's POV

I drove out onto the cliff by myself. I continued to think of everything that had been happening these last few days. I want to help her, but she won't let me in.

I sat on the edge of the cliff, looking down into the water.

Then I jumped.

I dived into the water, coming back up and feeling refreshed. I looked out to the sea and saw the beautiful sun setting.

After a while, I got out of the water and sat out looking at the sun again. How the orange pinkish color glowed at night.

It reminded me of when I brought her on our first date. How she smiled for most of the day, then the smile went away.

It killed me to think that I couldn't help her. That I couldn't doing anything, because she wouldn't let me in.

It reminds me of....me. Before I met her, I wouldn't let anyone in. The memories of my father beating my mother haunted me in my mind, and they still do. Only now, they're not as bad. Because she changed that. She let me see the sun again.

But now, it is setting all over again. I have to bring my sun back up.

And I will. I'll bring my princess back.

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