Chapter 1

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The sky was blue in color, cold but bright. The tree leaves swiftly shifted from left to right, while the ones fallen down roamed around in a swirl. The fluttering butterflies went from one flower to another. Hayat observed nature in complete silence, taking in the aroma of it. Oh how beautiful this creation is created by the creator of all.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock, and she turned around to see her brother standing at her door. She rushed and hugged her elder brother Shumayll, and he coughed," Let me go, Hayat, I...I can't breathe!"

"Thank you so much bhai, I love you so much. I will finally work in San Francisco. But how did you do it?" asked Hayat.

Shumayll was away for two weeks as he had gone to meet his childhood best friend, Kayan.

Shumayll smiled, then answered, "Kayan wanted an assistant, and he is the owner of the company,' Hasti' so I asked him if you could work under him, and he approved seeing your qualification,"

"You mean to say your long-lost childhood friend has come back after eight years and he is the owner of such a big company who has many branches all over the U.S.A? WOW! Dad's money"? Gasped Hayat.

Shumayll shook his head then answered, "Hayat Hamid uncle is not with them and it's their family matter so you better not ask about Hamid Uncle."

Hayat gave Shumayll a puzzled look, but as Shumayll was the elder, she couldn't cross-question her elder brother.

"So, 'Hasti' is named after Hasti, right?" asked Hayat.

Shumayll nodded his head then responded, "Yeah, Hayat, but sorrowfully Hasti is no more. She passed away at the age of thirteen &, in her memory Kayan named his company as 'Hasti.'

Hayat muttered, "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiwoon"

( Surely we belong to Allah, and to Him is our return ).

"But, what happened to her? asked Hayat

"Hayat! You are asking too many questions. Aren't you excited you are going to San Francisco all alone to work"? Questioned Shumayll.

Hayat smiled and then nodded, she wanted her questions to be answered, but as she didn't like recalling her past in front of others, she knew no one else would want to tell others about their own past too.

Hayat avoided all those thoughts in her mind and hugged Shumayll, "Thanks a lot, bhai; where are my tickets?"

"Here, you are leaving next week," said Shumayll giving the tickets to Hayat, and she sat on her bed with her hands on her head, then gasped," What? Next week! I didn't even spend time with my family!"

"You are only going for a job & not getting married, Angel," laughed Shumayll looking at his dramatic sister.

Hayat smiled sheepishly, and after Shumayll left my room, she laid down on her bed reminiscing about my childhood about how good it was, and if only she hadn't forced her parents to send her to India that day would have never occurred. That day was why she thought no boy would ever intend to marry her; things were so different when she was thirteen.


The Malik's and Zaeef family's last get-together as the Malik's were leaving for India (Delhi). Hayat's mother-Nabahat and Kayan's mom -Huma aunty were sorrowful as they were good friends.

It was a coincidence that Nabahat and Huma were from the same area in Bombay, so they were friends. Nabahat got married to Yazdan. Huma was married to a very handsome fellow from Delhi, Hamid.

Hamid was a rigorous man and hardly spoke.

Shumayll & Kayan were often called twins not because they look the same but just the way they are. One carried deodorants, so the other carried perfumes; one had a mirror, so the other had a comb. Both of them just got along with each other well.

Aahil played video games with Hayat but never spoke to Kayan; Hasti was a very cheerful child! She had fat cheeks & dimples on her cheeks.

The family shifted to India suddenly, although they didn't want to leave, they had to agree as Hamid had ordered them to do so.

The Zaeef family missed the Malik's, and they were in contact through phone calls, but after three months, they stopped responding, and slowly five years passed, but there was no clue of the Malik's.


The whole Zaeef family was in the hall discussing Hayat and her job. Hayat was excited & nervous as she can never forget what had happened to her three years back. No one was willing to send her, but Shumayll assured everyone that she would be safe in Malik's Mansion. Nabahat & Yazdan were scared because of the incident that had occurred three years back, and no one wanted to lose Hayat.

Hayat was an angel in the Zaeef family; though she was the middle child, she was pampered a lot.

Everyone loved her in the family except her grandmother; she hated her. "Chalo buri bala tal rahi hai," grumbled Hayat's grandmother, but Hayat ignored & smiled while others just gave her a look and politely asked her to keep quiet.

Hayat knew it was her mistake that she hated her, and anyone would hate her after knowing who she is.

"Take care of yourself, Hayat & don't go out alone, worried Nabahat (Hayat's mother)

"Don't show the Malik's your real face that you are insane," teased Aneel and Hayat giggled.


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