Chapter 26

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**Kinza's POV**

First day off office! Isn't it exciting! Yeah but only if you don't have a person like Aahil. No, I don't hate him but he annoys me and isn't it awkward that I was with him the whole while & now I have to act all formal! 

"Are you ready?" Hayat came in and asked me & I nodded. 

"You look nervous!" said Hayat. 

"Not nervous....I was just....just missing dad!" said Kinza.

Hayat hugged me to comfort, "I wish I could understand!" 

"Hayat! like others, why don't you say like others, I understand you or I know how it feels!" I asked her. 

She smiled and said, "Because I don't! know one can understand another person's feelings or situations. Everyone has their own point of view & different ways to deal with problems!" 

"You are so understanding even though you are a kid!" I said giggling. 

"You shut haa...." Hayat said slightly hitting on my arm & we left towards the hall. 

"Lets leave" Kayan said & we left.

** Aahil's POV **

You know that feeling? When you are working with Kinza Aydin! It's just awesome. 

Bhai told me to drive & I started driving. Just for fun! I drove fast & Kinza shouted almost in tears, "Dont...just dont drive fast!" 

I stopped the car and me & bhai turned to have a look at Kinza. Her face was all pale & she was holding Hayat's hand as if she was going to fall from a cliff. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Yes! But please don't be fast the next time" She told me and I nodded. 

Bhai took the driving seat, as I cannot go slow. Oh wow! one thing in which I differ Kinza, we are the same in each & everything. 

We reached the office & Kinza brought coffee for me.

"Sir, here is your coffee!" Kinza told in a very formal way & I laughed. 

"I don't find anything funny!" She mocked. 

"Stop calling me sir please" I said smiling & she nodded. 

"Drink your coffee, before it's cold" She said smiling. 

"Not before you get one for yourself". I said, smiling. 

"I don't want to have it!" She told sharply. 

"You have no choice, bring anything for yourself!"

"Arrr...okay" She got up & left. 

** Hayat's POV **

Kinza was about to cry in the car. Poor Kinza! she was among those people who can go beyond the speed limit! See, how some life phases changed her. We reached the office in a while. I bought coffee for Kayan. Kinza made for Aahil.

"Coffee!" I told Kayan placing his cup on the table.

"Don't you have to bring coffee for yourself. " Kayan told me. 

"I am not in a mood Kayan! I don...." But I was cut off!

"It was an order!" Kayan said, smirking. 

"Excuse me!!!! I...." I was cut off again!

"I said go Hayat! Even if you are my assistant, you have to drink coffee with me." Kayan smiled & told me. 

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