Chapter 28

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** Kinza's POV **

" Hayat!!! Open the door Hayat!!" I shouted from the other side of the door.

"Yah!! Just a minute" She told from the room.

"What were you doing for an hour in the room?" I asked her puzzled.

"Haa...umm nothing" She told looking here and there

"One sec...were you crying?" I asked her worriedly.

"Ohh!!! No no no" She told, trying to hide her tears.

"Ohh !! Yes yes, what happened Hayat? Is everything okay?" I asked her concerned

"Yes!! It's just that I'm tense for Kayan." She told me.

"Ohh no worries he will be out of bed by tomorrow and 6 days have already passed since his accident! You didn't get any calls or spam messages na?" I asked her.

"No I didn't receive any calls or messages, maybe it was someone who was troubling me!" Hayat said, smiling.

"Okay I am going to sleep, see you tomorrow " I told her and she hugged me all of a sudden and told, "Thanks for being there for me and take care of yourself "

I laughed and said, " you always have my back!"

"Kinza is Kayan sleeping?" Hayat asked me.

"No he was reading some book when I came to you." I told him.

"Oh okay, Allah hafiz." Hayat told and went downstairs to Kayan's room.

** Kayan's POV **

" Can I come in?" Hayat asked me from the door.

"Yeah sure!" I said, sitting on my bed.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked me to come in and sat on the bed in front of me.

"Allhumdullilah" I said smiling.

"Kayan...I am very lucky to have you." Hayat told in a low tone.

"I am more lucky Hayat....." I said, smiling.

"What if I am not there.?" Hayat asked in a low tone.

"What do you mean by not will always be there...Insha Allah." I told

"Kayan don't get used to me....maybe or yes I am not forever." Hayat stood up and went towards the door.

" There is no use of my Hayat without Hayat without you Hayat! I said sternly.

"You don't need to get attached to me...Allah Hafiz" She told and left the room.

I wondered why Hayat acted so weird but I was too sleepy to argue because she gets mood swings. I went off to sleep peacefully if only I knew next morning she would leave without informing and only left with a letter for me.......


Dearest Kayan,

I know that you are reading this and wondering where did I leave, by the time you will read this I will be gone to India!!! Yes India...... My past didn't want to leave me and my past was behind you. That accident wasn't a tragedy, it was all planned. I am going to India, please don't try to find me because it's only going to hurt you and others. 

Tell abbu and ammi, I love them a lot and I am sorry but I am not betraying them, it's for everyone's good. I have given enough of pain, tell Shumayll bhai that now all his shirts are saved from me and tell Aneel that even his ice cream is saved. 

Kinza, I really love you a lot and I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Thanks for always being there, please help Kayan till he doesn't find a new assistant and tell everyone not to find me. Aahil, I really enjoyed a lot with you. Huma aunty, you were like a second mother to me and I am sorry for what I am doing. 

I could have written a whole book on my family but I don't have time. I have to leave. Don't try to find me because I'm going to India and getting married in 2 weeks to Zain...please carry on with everything Kayan. You are the best anyone could get but I wasn't so lucky to have you. 

'You are perfect Kayan....but......I have to leave' Get married to some girl as soon as possible if you ever loved me. I was under your protection but now I need to go...

I know, I could have been the good girl and told that I'm cheating you and leaving with Zain and getting married but I'm Hayat, I just cannot.....Don't look behind at me...I'm gone and please don't's rude....bye...Allah Hafiz and take care of everyone and yourself.....Love you everyone and I'm sorry once again. 

- Hayat Zaeef..


OMG!!! Hayat is gone.....

Is this what destiny has planned for Kayan? 

Hayat and Kayan aren't meant to be???!!

New girl in Kayan's life?

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