Chapter 8

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** Kayan"s POV **

Do not ask about my sleep okay? It's Fajr time and I did not even blink my eye. I was thinking about Hayat of course! Well Love, yes I did not sleep the whole day so its only about Love. May be I hurt Hayat, but they cannot hide it. Aahil even accepted he loves her but why was not he pissed that I love his girl? I mean he was all okay with it? I really need to talk about this to Aahil. I am done praying and Hayat came in a while, well she seems to be upset. Aahil is not here, of course she is upset.

"Bhai, I am leaving, Allah Hafiz, "Aahil screamed from the door.

"Leaving where? At this time?" I asked Aahil.

"I thought you already knew; for my football match, I will be back in a week". He told me while picking up his bag and went towards Hayat for the last good bye.

Ahh! This is the reason she is upset and I thought its because I hurt her. How dumb I could be.

"All the best Aahil, your girl friend is going to miss you, come back, I will fix your Nikah with her. Insha Allah!" I told him when he got in his car.

"Good joke bhai, but If I ever love a girl, you will be the first one to know", saying this he winked and left. I turned towards Hayat, she was smiling and as she saw me her smile faded! Ehhh! annoying why does she hate me so much!

I went and ate my breakfast, I sat on the couch doing my office work and ammi came to me. "Kayan, beta! Did you decide any outfit for Iqra's marriage?"

"No ammi, I am not coming for the marriage", I said her continuing my work.

"No excuses! You are going and that's final. Go for shopping with Hayat today. Even she does not have one" ammi ordered.

"Not with her, and I will wear some old suit but Hayat will go for shopping for sure" I assured ammi.

"No aunty, I do not want to go", Hayat was about to say something but ammi shook her head and left!

I got up, it was 8:15. I was about to tell Hayat to get ready but she was ready with her Abaya on. Good, she is not among those girls whom I tell ready to get ready at 8 in the morning and they are ready by 8 at night, still complaining that they had no time. Exageration, I know.

"I am coming in five minutes" I told her looking down and left towards my room.

I came down and Hayat was talking to Iqra! Ya Allah! Iqra, am I seeing a dream? What is she doing here? I went and greeted Ruqayya aunty, she is Iqra's mom. Sorry, but a woman full of show off!

Iqra saw me and she came to hug me "Baby ...". Before she could hug me, I pushed her away and said "Iqra, how many times do I say it's Haram"

Yeah!! Iqra was a Muslim, but not a hijabi, not a lot in her religion. Not judging but she does many wrong things, drinking! Yes, she does! May ALLAH forgive her sins.

"Ah! but if we get married, I can hug you," Iqra asked me blinking her eyes, how girlish!

Hayat was beside me and she left a little chuckle, crazy girl

"Whats wrong with you Iqra? You are getting married! Freaking married! You got it? Your Mehram, stop looking at Non-Mehram's which includes ME!" I told Iqra getting annoyed.

"Ahem-ahem, let me tell you baby, he does not have the money and looks like you and ..." before Iqra could complete her sentence I shook my head and said Hayat to leave.

We sat in the car and Iqra gave me a flying kiss saying ", Love you". I drove off as fast as I could, we reached my work place and I ran as fast I could.

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