Chapter 11

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** Kayan’s POV **

I always tried my best to respect that man, my own father. Hamid Malik! My dad used to come home late at night, mostly drunk and he used to even beat ammi. The reason Me, Aahil and Hasti were very scared of him.

One fine day, he decided to take us to Delhi, India, after that things got worse, he used to bring men at home, all kinds of gangsters. They used to keep an eye on my mother and some did not even leave my sister. Once a man tried to touch ammi and ammi slapped him, he left the house. Well Hamid was not at home, he used to leave men at our home. Astagfirullah! 

My mamu was there in Delhi but Hamid did not let us meet him, so we had no rescue. Ammi cried a lot that day, all of us knew that Hamid , my father, is going to beat my mom if he comes to know. It was Fajr time, we prayed but Abba was still not home. Ammi was tense for him, how could she even think good for him. That man has never ever been good to her. Three  years were the worst in India! And later a tragic incident happened.

When I was about to leave for my college, I did not go that day. Nor did Aahil and Hasti go to school. I used to work in “Dhaba”. We had money but Abba never gave us. He used to spend all of the money on drinking and his other house. Yes, he had married another woman and he even had kids with that woman. He could not handle one wife in India and other in the U.S.A. and he only married ammi for money. Ammi did not know about his second marriage.

It was evening and Ammi was making roti for us and Abba came in drunk and he kicked ammi. He took the pan and put it on ammi’s back, which burnt her back. He pushed the gas and it fell down. I could not tolerate it! I do not know what came into me that day. I got up and said: "Abba, app unhe nahi maar sakte" and I pushed abba (Abba, you cannot hit her). He got up and slapped me, and then I pushed him again. I know he is older than me but I just did.

He caught hold of Hasti and slapped and even kicked her! Poor Hast was crying. I pushed abba again. I do not know how soon there was fire all over the house. Come on! It had no room, It was a very 4-walled house. I saw this and went to take Aahil and Hasti. I said Aahil to go with Ammi as Abba had already left, after seeing the fire.

Hasti was nowhere to be found. I cried and screamed her name and I heard her calling me "Bhai" but before I could do anything abba hit me with something and I fell down. Blood started oozing from my head and I fainted. 

I got up too late, 20 minutes later. I heard Aahil’s voice "Bhai". 

"Where is Hasti, I screamed!" 

"She got burnt in the fire", some aunty told me.

"No!My Hasti cannot die, I killed her, I did" I screamed as hard as I could.

Hearing this, Ammi slapped me and told, "You did not kill her! You are my son" 

I hugged ammi and Aahil. After that we went to our mamu’s place and he payed for our studies! After Allah, he is the one who has brought me here! May Allah forgive him. 

And so I did not even get a chance to see my sister ever again. I could not even bury her. We did not even find her body. People said her body has turned to ashes.Yes, we tried for a case but was closed as soon as Hamid was gone, Allah knows where? That was the last day I saw my sister and that man, my own father Hamid. And that’s the reason, I do not put his name now.Our life took a great turn, and nothing can be the same now. 


** Hayat’s POV **

I was shocked! I have heard this only in movies. I could have hugged him to comfort him but No, he is still a non-mahram, I am not a perfect Muslimah but I try to be. I felt so bad, how can someone be so … Well even I had a man like this in life! He is the most gross man in life and does things and calls it “Love”. 

"You are not a murderer, and think your sister is in Jannah now. What a great thing. If she would be alive, she would not like you being in this state na"? I said to him.

"But Hayat, I am like my father, I even hurt you, I ...", before Kayan could continue I interrupted.

"No, do not compare Kayan please, and I promise to be with you", I smiled and assured him. 

"Wallahi?" he asked and I smiled and said: "Wallahi". 

"Okay let's get back home, it's going to be late”, Kayan smiled and told me. 

"You smile too, OMG! Bipolar has a smile, ... he he", I laughed and said while he glared at me.

"Oh okay, No, let's call Aahil too and we will go for pizza please", I stretched the word please. 

"Well okay, you cannot survive without him, I am jealous", He said while making a fake sad face and I giggled. We called Aahil and he came.

"Spill it, Did you guys confess? OMG! When are you getting married? When will I be a chachu? Will it be a boy or girl or twins?", Aahil asked. 

"Girl, stop being such a girl, what kids? shut up. How cheesy!! First you need to start working, there needs to be someone to handle the company. "Kayan said in a very serious tone.

"What girl huh? Who said you girls are like that?, I am not and  ...", I did not even complete and Kayan interrupted. "I am not talking about tomboys darling" and he smirked.

"Bhai, bhai chill! I will join the company whenever you feel like", Aahil said while eating the pizza. "Tomorrow"? Me and Kayan said together and smirked. 

Aahil choked out his pizza, and then managed to say: "What? Tomorrow, how is it possible?"

Kayan and I glared at him. "Okay fine, Kayan and Hayat", Aahil left a little chuckle and told me.

"Aahil! respect me, Islam says respect elders, family members, parents, elder siblings, elder siblings means ME! Especially ME!! Specifically ME!!!" Kayan said, smirking. 

"I loved it, Awesome! I am going to use this for Aneel", I said while clapping my hands like a kid and the whole crowd stared at us.

"My little kid", Kayan said while pulling my cheeks which were more like a pinch!

"No, she cannot be your kid", Aahil spoke up and before he could continue I said "You and your logic Aahil!" and Aahil smiled sheepishly. The talk was quite long.

Kinza messaged me! He yeah! I am coming next week to San Francisco. When do you plan to come? I want to work in your company basically with you. If there is any chance please, and I do not like my job nor mamu does".

I know why she wanted to join, I will do something, even if I leave the job.

I looked up to Kayan and said: "Kayan ... is there any place for my friend to work in “Hasti” please? She is a very good friend of mine and she really needs it!"

"Yeah, of course. She will be Aahil’s assistant! Cool?", Kayan asked me, smiling.

"Bro but ...", Aahil was about to say but me and Kayan shot him an angry look and he shut.

"Okay, I will send you her resume and you can meet her in bhai’s engagement Aahil, and even you Kayan", I smiled and said and both of them nodded. "Done!" I messaged Kinza, and she replied with hearts! Kayan saw that and laughed while I chuckled.

We went back home around midnight. We were sleepy and went to our own respective rooms.


So what do you think about it now will Hayat accept Kayan and his past?

Any idea of Hayat’s past? Will Kayan accept her?

Hope you loved this chapter?

Allah hafiz

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