Chapter 25

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** Hayat's POV **

Guesss whattt??? We are going for a picnic!!  5 days! Too a resort! And for me Kayan took a jeep, not bought but borrowed.
Right now, everyone is packing stuff for picnic.
Me,Kayan,Aahil,Kinza, Afzan & Aneel are in the jeep. Unfortunately, Aamina is already gone.
Shumayll bhai,Kainaat bhabi, Afzal bhai, Alfiya didi, her daughters & Ahmed jiju. Mazin Bhai, Nabila bhabi & their son Ali, Ammi-Abbu,Huma aunty & Aisha in the mini bus.
My 2 uncle & aunties in the car.

We left at 7 in the morning. Kayan was driving the jeep for 2 hours & then Aahil drove for more than a hour. The whole drive Aahil kept on annoying Kinza but Kinza is very calm & patient, she just didn't react nor she responded. If it was in Kinza's shoes, I would have slapped him or screamed him to shut!

  Oh haa! this girl is going for picnic in her heels! I forced her to take sneakers but she didn't have one, so I gave her mine.

Me,Kinza,Mahira & Aisha shared the same room. Shumayll bhai & Kainaat bhabi had the best room of courses, with stupid decoration of flowers! Alifiya didi with her family, Abbu & ammi together, Chacha-chachi together, Kayan & am...I mean Huma aunty together  & three idiots..Aahil, Aneel & Afzan together!

I was in my room with my girls & someone knocked, I could hear Aahil, Aneel & Afzan giggling. Kinza grabbed her & went towards the door to open she couldn't open it, someone was holding the door's handle from that side.

Afzan told from that side, "Who are you?"

"Its Kinza" Kinza told.

"Proof that you are Kinza!" Aahil told.

"Are you nuts! How the fudge should I proof? are you soo dumb even by hearing my voice you cannot understand! Keep holding the door dumboss!" Kinza told annoyed & those 3 idiots laughed from that side of the door.

They left the handle to let Kinza open  & as Kinza opened the door, they threw a spider on her! And Kinza...being Kinza she shooed it off from her dress. I was beside the sofa near the door. Soo..I being I...I being Hayat...stood on the sofa & screamed soo loud that Kayan came running from the room!

"What happened Hayat?" Kayan asked.

"He...he is coming near me.." I told scared.

"Who..who is coming near you?" Kayan asked worried.

"The spider!" Aahil & Kinza told laughing.

"I'm scared of the spider na..don't laugh!" I told defending myself.

"Guys! Don't laugh okay! Its okay!" Kayan told.

"You have started taking her side from now on..."Aneel told & Kayan smiled.

"Chalooo guys!! We have to go for playing." Kainaat bhabi told from coming behind.

All of us nodded & we went out off the room to play.

**Aahil's POV **

I don't know...why..why do I annoy Kinza all the time. I always want a chance to talk to her! why? she isn't even the girl I wanted. She is totally different of what I thought my dream girl would be...Ya Allah help me! No...I'm not in love with her. She is just a...I don't know anyways lets concentrate on the game.

"The next game is musical chair!" Kinza told smiling & I smiled back.

"I love musical chairs & I make sure, I always win!" I told.

"Ha! and I make sure I don't loose it! I'm pro in it" Kinza told smirking & I faked laughed.

All the elders weren't playing & ammi & Nabahat aunty were in charge of the music.

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