Chapter 31

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Everyone gathered in the warehouse at 2 A.M. which wasn't used and Hasti had the keys for it.

"So what's the plan?" asked Hayat, clasping her hands.

"We need a foolproof plan for Bhabhi and me to get out!" exclaimed Hasti.

(Bhabhi - sister in law)

"So, what's the plan?" everyone asked me.

"How am I supposed to know?" responded Kayan, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"What!" everyone gasped in shock.

"Guys shut up; we are not Mr.India that if anyone comes, we can be invisible," chuckled Kayan.

"Okay first..umm... we need to get that gadha (donkey) Zain out of our way," stated Kayan, and everyone nodded towards Kayan to continue.

"What?" questioned Kayan.

"What? What, say..continue the plan," blurted Hayat.

"Do I look like Sharukh Khan from Don?" Kayan asked sarcastically.

"Not, not at all." giggled Hayat.

"That guy made plans as he got up from sleep, and nothing is too funny, Hayat," enjoined Kayan and Hayat covered her mouth.

Kayan couldn't help but watch this cute girl in front of him who always made him fall over her again.

"Ahh! Bhai, it was Don-2...Amitabh Bachan was in Don-1," corrected Hasti and Aahil nodded.

Kayan facepalmed, hearing their response.

'My family is soooo sooo....okay, I am running short of words, thought Kayan.

"Ahhh! I have a super-duper plan!" stated Kayan all of a sudden, and all of them looked at him again!

'Crazy people!'

The plan was all ready, and tomorrow they were going to sort more things out, and then the day after tomorrow, that is on the day of Haldi...which was going to turn into runaway!


#Haldi Day#

"Plan A, turn off the lights!" announced River and did it.

Kayan waited outside in the servants' stinking washroom. Love makes you do stupid things.

Kinza and Aahil had to bring Hasti and Hayat to the gate, and after that, all of them had to run and sit in the car.

But, when you plan things right, something has to go wrong, and Hamid was here along with Osman near the gate. The plan had to be changed. Hayat and Hasti had to come alone now towards the back entrance.

We waited, but there was no sign of them, and the phone we had given them was switched off! Khatre ke Ghante no.1

As they were standing, a white Scorpio crossed their path, and Kayan heard Hayat's voice, "Kayan..." but soon the windows got closed.

They had no idea where they were taking both of them, nor did they have time for this. Everyone quickly sat in the car and followed them.

The scorpion stopped near some old factory, and all of them were ready to get down instantly!

"Kinza, you stay in the car and keep the Bluetooth with you," stated Kayan, and Kinza nodded.

"No, Kinza won't stay alone!" Aahil protested.

"Okay! You become Aahila and stay with her and play!" said Kayan sarcastically.

"Bhai! Sorry but I can't leave her alone..I..." but before Aahil could complete it, Kinza said, "I am not a kid! But I like the way you are caring. But we need to get Hayat and Hasti, and we can't lose any one of them."

"Take care. Call me if any problem! Scream do everything," said Aahil, and Kinza nodded.

Everyone went in different directions, and Kayan heard Aahil's voice from the left. He ran towards Aahil, and his face held a shock. "Bhai!" yelled Aahil, and Kayan turned towards him.

The last thing Kayan remembered was Aahil's shocked face and fear; after that, he fell unconscious.


Kayan's head hurt, and he didn't feel like opening his eyes; I could hear some men talking, and as I opened my eyes, I saw my so-called father coming before me.

"Son..son...Oh, son!" laughed shrieked Hamid in his usual evil tone!

Kayan looked down at his body. His legs and hands were tied up with a chair.

Where am I?? It looks like a Bollywood movie.

"Ya Allah! where is everyone! Please let them be fine," Kayan murmured to himself.

"They are fine! But your love isn't fine!" told Hamid and smirked.

"What did you do to her?" Kayan's temper rose, and he started to move from my chair.

"Nothing! Nothing, I swear. But, some people wanted her," Hamid laughed, trying to act naive and smiled.

Kayan wanted to punch him on his face so hard that he could never smile!

"Come, I will show you something. Hamid opened Kayan's hands and legs and dragged Kayan by his collar until they reached a room.

There were 3 men, and one of them was laughing. A girl was lying down, and...

Ya Allah, no!! Please let it be a dream.


What do you think will happen?

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