Chapter 30

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The girl looked exactly like her, she looked like Hasti, or maybe she was...

Kayan went out towards the garden, and Aahil followed him. Aahil was about to say something; that girl came from behind and spoke, "Bhaiyuu.."

Kayan didn't know what to do? He stood still and looked at Aahil, but he was more blank than I was.

"Bhai, I am your Hasti, your own sister!" The girl said with tears in her eyes.

" How do we believe you are Hasti? and your name is Zvya!" argued Aahil.

"Remember when I was 13 years old, there was fire all over the house, I couldn't breathe, and I left Aahil bhai's hand. I walked a little, but Abba came and took me with him, and all of you thought I am dead. Abba changed my name as Zvya and got me in this new house," wept Hasti.

"So why didn't you ever try to reach us?" asked Aahil.

"I was never allowed to keep a phone, and once I came to the U.S.A to look out only for you, but Abba got to know, and he got me forcefully married to Farooq when I was only 16. Farooq abused me day and night but never cared, and he will never will." cried Hasti. Kayan and Aahil hugged Hasti then wiped her tears. They couldn't take the risk of letting anyone know anything.

"Bhaiyyu, why are you here? Did you know I am alive?" interrogated Hasti.

"I am here for....," but before Kayan could complete my sentence, Aneel came from behind and spoke, "Zvya" He was in tears, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Aneel.." Hasti looked at him and then looked down with a sad face.

'What the hell was actually happening here?'

"Kayan, why are you here," asked Hayat, coming from behind along with Kinza.

"Hay..." but before I could complete my sentence, Hayat interrupted and took me aside.

"Why Kayan? Why? I told you not to come, but you can never listen to me. I told you to forget me." Hayat said with tears in her eyes, she was scared for Kayan. She couldn't afford to lose anyone of them!

"Why? You are crazy, didn't I tell you this? And I can't forget you! Nah..never...and about listening say anything apart from to stop loving you!" Kayan replied, smiling sheepishly.

"No, Kayan....My...My love is going to destroy you. I am going to only destroy you," wept Hayat.

"If this is the case, and you think that you will destroy me. I want each and every part of me and every single moment of my life to get destroyed because I love this destruction," reassured Kayan.

"Kayan, you don't know how they are; they might kill you," worried Hayat.

"At least I will see you na before I die," chuckled Kayan.

"Kayan, I am getting married in 4 days; the day after tomorrow is Haldi and..."

before Hayat could complete her sentence, Kayan interrupted. "No, you are running from here in 4 days, and that's final along with Hasti."

"Hasti? You mean your sister. " gasped Hayat.

Kayan narrated Hayat the whole story, and she was extremely overjoyed.

"You know when I came here, only she was good to me, now I know why because she is your sister." smiled Hayat, and Kayan's cheeks turned red.

"Everyone should know that now even Hasti is coming with us." declared Kayan.

"But bhai, Abba lives next door, and I. I am married." stammered Hasti.

"Are you happy with your husband, Farooq? No, you are not, and Abba, he has nothing to do with us now," said Kayan, clutching his teeth.

"Bhai, Zain is our brother. Hayat is getting married to him only. Our father and her father are the best buddies. Abba won't let you take Hayat or me," shuddered Hasti.

"We are not asking him, and in my view, both of you are 18+," smirked Kayan.

"Everyone should meet in the warehouse, beside Hayat bhabhi's room sharp at 2 midnight," Hasti said, and everyone nodded.

"We need to move because if anyone gets to know everything. We are all dead." Hayat told, and everyone nodded.

"But sir, what about Hasti mam now?" asked River.

Even Kayan's bodyguard might be thinking they are living a movie!

"Nothing, we are running away with two girls, that's it!" winked Kayan.

This is going to be too much fun but dangerous also. But one thing was for sure, Kayan wouldn't let anything or anyone destroy Hayat or Hasti. He had decided, and now he was never losing anyone of them. Never ever.


"What are you saying Aneel?" gasped Hayat.

"Yes, didi. Hasti is Zvya only. The same Zvya I loved, and I still love." wept Aneel.

Hayat hugged Aneel. "Everything will be fine; I will talk to Kayan about this as soon as we go back to U.S.A, Insha Allah. But if Hasti doesn't wish to marry you, we can't force her that girl has been through a lot," said Hayat.

"She still loves me, I could see in her eyes. I mean, obviously, she still cares." remarked Aneel, and Hayat made a face, "Don't tell m eyes and nose love puhleaseeee Aneel."

"What? Couldn't you see the love Kayan bhai had for you in his eyes when he saw you, how his face had lit up" teased Aneel.

"Shut up and go from here; you are boring shush! Go away," Hayat faked laughed, trying to hide her rosy cheeks.

"You are soo interesting and too much fun. Note the sarcasm *interesting and fun*" taunted Aneel.

Hayat laughed and pushed him out of the room; he turned and hugged Hayat then cried, "I missed you a lot, didi. Don't ever leave me and go,"

Hayat hugged him back and replied, "I love you too."

"I never said, I love you; you will always be dumb," grinned Aneel.

"Yeah, whatever, nothing is so funny! Bye," Hayat growled and pushed him out.

The best relation in this world is with your brother because brothers are Lifeline, and you can't imagine a single second without them. Brothers may annoy you and frustrate you, but if they don't, you will feel something is missing; in fact, everything seems to be incomplete. They might not show that they miss you or care for you, but they do more than anyone could do.

A brother is the best gift from Allah; one should cherish it forever. Brothers may annoy you and trouble you, but they can't see a single tear in your eyes. Love your brothers forever.


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I am soo sorry for the late update.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

, because you are the best brother in this world. Lysm Bhaiyyu :*

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