Chapter 5

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** Kayan's POV **

Allah! She caught me staring, well, it was not my mistake she looked very beautiful, not a very girlish girl Superman!

We went outside the home and I asked her "Which car?" She jumped in excitement saying: "The open one". I laughed at her innocence where other girls think their hair will be spoiled. She chose this car well and she has hijab but what do you think that does not spoil huh? it does...

"Arghh! Bad luck Hayat, that car has a problem" I told her. She frowned at what I said and I told her to sit in my favourite car.

She sat on the passenger seat and I asked her " A.C. or window?" She glared at me and said "Obviously window!"

Why is she so different where in ? Where one thinks A.C. with music is the best she wants air and loud music. Yeah, open the windows & the music was really loud but later on I put the volume down, I hate loud music. I started my car and she asked me "Where are we going?" "Westfield San Francisco Centre" I answered.

It was a 30 minutes ride, the first five minutes went in silence but you know who I was? 'The Blabbering Machine', she just could not stop. I looked at her and she looked so innocent while talking and her expressions!

"But you know, me and Shumayll bhai did this, and me and Aneel once stole ice-cream that was the first and last time I stole something, and once I was alone at home and I got so scared when this happened", and this and that . ... blah blah. I stopped the car at one side and looked at her.

"Hayat! I am not able to drive, can you shut your big mouth?" I told her annoyed. She looked at me and shook her head and said "NO!". Arghh! This girl is testing my patience, Wallahi! I looked at her and told, "You need to shut at time, otherwise you are a bad girl and you have no manners.". I know too kiddish but she is one five year old kid.

"No, you are wrong. I am a bad girl with good manners" saying this she smirked.

Where does she get such dialogues huh?

I don't need sugar I am sweet enough; Stop staring its rude and I am a bad girl with good manners!"

Allah! Help me she is crazy. I started to drive my car ignoring her. To my surprise, she was not talking but I wanted her to talk, I think I am going mad along with this 'Blabbering Machine'.

"Are you always so grumpy?" Blabbering, I mean? Hayat asked me.

"And are you always blabbering?" I asked her, smirking. "Ayee!! I don't blabber, I just talk a lot and people enjoy me. No one gets bored if I am there". Hayat said, smiling like an idiot.

"Hmm" I responded. "Yay! I won! Kayan Malik has no answer. Yay!" Hayat shouted until we reached the mall. She got out of the car shouting Huuuuu!

She is really mad and well tomorrow's news is going to be great. I ran behind her and she was running all the way.

** Hayat's POV **

Kayan has no idea how crazy I am, Well! I am not scared of the crowd, I can do anything when the public is around but I am scared of being alone. My past, Forget it, I was going to annoy this walnut. We were walking around the mall. I must say it is very beautiful. I went on talking with him. I asked him about his business, he told me he started all alone when a question arose in my mind and without even thinking I asked him: "and what about your father? What happened to him? He was not there for you?"

Yeah, he was scary but I don't think he was a bad person, he turned towards me with all sorts of emotions, anger, emotional, sad, hurt but he just glared at me.

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