Chapter 1: Jungkook?

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You just arrived  home from working a long shift at your part time job. You tiredly throw your bag on the couch and collapse on your comfy bed. The second you close your eyes to relax your phone dings.

Happily thinking it's from your boyfriend you unlock your phone but it's from an unknown number. As your about to delete the message your phone dings again, another message from the same number.

Curiosity gets the best of you and you open the messages.

Text messages:

???: Hey
???: I miss you
who's this? :Y/N

???: y/n have you really forgotten about me

Jungkook?! :Y/n

???: the one and only

Y/n: We broke up. Leave me alone

Jungkook: but I love you y/n

I  don't , I'm over you and you should move on too :Y/n

Jungkook: but I can't, I need you in my life!! It's driving me insane

Seriously Jungkook, stop texting me it's getting annoying, that I changed my number twice and somehow you keep finding it. How??: Y/n

Jungkook: I have my ways. Please forgive me and give me a chance

No I already forgave you three times in the past: Y/n

Jungkook: come on y/n isn't our relationship worth saving

No, you forced me to do many things and you treated me badly: Y/n

Jungkook: I was drunk

That's no excuse for the things you did to me! :Y/n

Jungkook: you don't understand

I do understand, now leave me the fuck alone:Y/n

Jungkook: I can't do that baby

We can just be friends nothing more :Y/n

Jungkook: I can't control myself around you

Then find someone else who is willing to put up with you but I'm done. Bye Jungkook and don't text me again:Y/n

End of texting

You can't believe he found your number and wanted to start things up again. The other times he texted you, it was the same, about getting back together and how much he needs you in his life but this time it was different. You don't know what, it's just a feeling.

The times before you repeatedly told him the same thing, to leave you alone but it's clear he's hung up on you which is slowly driving you mad.

Your phone dings and you know it's Jungkook and he keeps texting you. You check what he's texted you and your eyes widen in disbelief.

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